Configure Page

Configure Page (DESIGNER) allows you to apply extensions for pages or business objects in Advantage.

The page-level Extended Pages sub menu includes four Application Pages links that open an adjusted view of Configure Page (DESIGNER), showing only those pages with XML extensions in the particular area of Advantage: Administration, Financial, Human Resource Management, or Performance Budgeting. The listings represent updates done online as well as file-based extensions. When a Common page accessible from all applications is configured using DESIGNER and processed to XML, the XML extensions are written to all applications within the unified environment, and the Common page appears under each area of Advantage. The Pages Pending Synchronization page-level link gives you pages that are extended online, but yet to be synchronized using the Designer to XML Sync Process. The Pages Under Development page-level link gives you pages that are extended online but not yet added to the migration queue. The Pages Pending Synchronization link and Pages Under Development link shows Common pages using the Area of Common.

The page-level Extended Business Objects sub menu contains links that open to the Extended Business Objects page, where you can see a filtered list of extended business objects. These navigations require business object data to be populated in a background table. Refer to the “Populate Business Object Metadata” run sheet in the CGI Advantage Administration Utilities Run Sheets Guide for more information. There are four Application Business Objects links showing only those business objects with XML extensions in the particular area of Advantage: Administration, Financial, Human Resource Management, or Performance Budgeting. The listings represent updates done online as well as previous business object extensions already processed to XML and deployed to PALDB. The Business Objects Pending Synchronization link gives you business objects that are extended online, but yet to be synchronized using the Designer to XML Sync Process. The Business Objects Under Development link gives you business objects that are extended online but not yet added to the migration queue.

On the Extended Business Objects page, the View action is available from the row-level menu to navigate to an adjusted view of the Configure Business Object page that shows a read only view of the business object extension details.

On Configure Page (DESIGNER) or pages under the Extended Pages sub menu, once you have found the page in the inquiry results, select the row-level menu to access the Configure Page or Configure Business Object actions.

Note: The Configure Business Object action is not available for Common pages across the application listed on the Application Pages (ERPAPGS) table.

Configure PageConfigure Page

Select Configure Page from the row-level menu. This action transitions you to a page that displays one tab for each view on the page. Each tab is comprised of three or four grids. Each grid presents different levels (Properties, Groups, Sections, and Fields) of page metadata for the current view. On multi-tab pages such as transactions, activity folders, and wizard-style pages, there is a Page Title Bar tab that is used to support the configuration of actions/links applicable to the entire page. For pages belonging to applications other than Performance Budgeting, there is also a Pick/DataSource tab that is used to support the configuration of Data Sources and Picks. 

Note: The Online Extensions Mode (online.extension.db.mode) property in the file impacts whether application users see the result of changes made via DESIGNER immediately. An informational message is displayed at the top of the page indicating whether the Online Extension Mode is enabled or disabled. Refer to the “Verifying Extensions” topic for more information about this parameter and how sites can append additional text to the informational messages.  

If you use the Transaction COA Display Configuration (COACONF) page to configure Financial transaction pages to hide or rearrange COA fields, the generated page extensions would be reflected on DESIGNER, but you will not be able to apply extensions, revert extensions, add to migration queue, or remove from migration queue against these pages using DESIGNER until the generated page extensions are synchronized or cancelled. Refer to the "Transaction COA Display Configuration (COACONF)" topic in the CGI Advantage - Chart of Accounts User Guide for more information.

  • Properties - shows high-level properties of the view itself, such as its title and relative order to other views (when applicable, such as for a transaction page or multi-tab reference data or inquiry page). The following properties can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.




Indicates the title associated with the page.

On the Properties grid, an Additional Configuration action is provided to transition you to a page that allows you to configure text, actions, and links displayed on the page.

  • Text - shows text elements that are displayable at the view-level. Multiple text elements may be listed, but only one text element is displayed at the view-level at a time.




Indicates whether the text will be displayed on the page.


Indicates the text being displayed.

Text from the Configurable Text (CTEXT) page can be referenced here and inferred at runtime by using a text substitution template. The inferred text can be used by itself or imbedded within additional text entered. Inference of text from the Configurable Text uses effective date logic to infer the correct record.

Template Format: {CTEXT:<Configurable Text Code>}

Where <Configurable Text Code> is the code identifying the record on the Configurable Text page.

Note: If the page has conditional text elements, the existing text elements will be displayed on the Configure Text page. For conditional text elements, you will only be able to modify the text. You will not be able to modify the conditions by which the different conditional text elements are displayed. Also, you cannot add a new text element to the conditional text logic. Changes to the conditional text logic cannot be done using DESIGNER.

  • Actions/Links - shows actions, links, quick links, or carousel menus within the view that can be configured online. The following properties can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.




Indicates the title associated with the action/link.

Title Extension is supported for quick links and carousel menus, as well as actions/links appearing within menus that show related actions or related pages.


Indicates the relative order in which the action/link is displayed in relation to the other actions/links within the same Location/Type and Menu Title.


Indicates whether the action/link will be displayed.

Displayed Extension is not supported for the Back, Cancel, Close, Continue, Previous, and Undo actions.

Note: A page using the carousel menu usually has the Business Role Association (BUSROLAS) setup that allows the user to navigate directly to a specific carousel tile on the page using the primary navigation menu. When you configure a carousel menu to hide a link, you should also update the BUSROLAS setup so that the corresponding system resource target is not displayed.

Show As Button

Indicates whether to display the action/link as a button outside the menu.

The Show As Button Extension is supported for the following actions/links:

  • Within the page-level menu

  • Within the grid row-level menu

  • Within the tab-level menu, if the tab has other existing button(s)

  • For a grid row-level menu, at most one action/link can be taken out and displayed as a button on the row. If a row has been configured to display more than one button, then the one that goes first based on order is displayed as a button and the rest remains in the row menu. 

Note: Use the Revert Extension action if you need to change an extended action/link from a button and move it back inside the menu. When an action/link has a global extension to show as a button, and there are associated conditional extensions, you need to revert the conditional extensions before reverting the global extension.

When using the Show As Button Extension, review the updated layout to avoid problems such as too many buttons cluttering or going off the page.


Indicates whether to display a button as Solid filled or No fill. The default value for buttons is No fill.

Template Extension is supported for actions/links directly on the page or tab, or within page-level or tab-level menu where Show As Button Extension is supported. If an action/link resides in the menu (that is, Location/Type is Page Additional Menu or Tab Additional Menu), you must use the Show As Button Extension field to make the button display in order for any Template Extension to take effect.

Note: Buttons that already use a special template (for example, the Cancel button on a pop-up window) do not have a Template value shown and do not support Template Extension.

Target Page

Indicates the application and page code that a link navigates to.

Target Page Extension is populated by the system for links added using the Add Page Link action, and therefore it is not editable.

On a view where there is at least one action/link under the Page Additional Menu, the system supports an Add Page Link action. You can use it to add page navigations under the Page Additional Menu. Save any extension in progress before clicking the Add Page Link action to avoid losing any unsaved extension.

When supported, the Add Page Link action is shown in the Actions/Links grid. This action opens a view that allows you to specify the Menu, Target Page, Title, and Order of the new link. Menu and Target Page are required. You can choose Target Page from any reference, inquiry, transaction, or activity folder pages that are searchable (Searchable = Yes) on Application Page Registration (APGS or ERPAPGS). Title can be inferred from Target Page if left blank. After a link is added, it can be seen under the Actions/Links grid under Location/Type of Page Additional Menu. 

On the page where a link was added using the Add Page Link action, clicking the link navigates the user to the corresponding page subject to the Initial Mode, Order By, and Where Clause setup of the corresponding page registration entry as well as security access control.

Links added using the Add Page Link action are global extensions and you can apply a conditional extension for the added links using the Extend Same Action/Link row-level action, if needed. You can use Revert Extension to undo the addition as long as there are no associated conditional extensions for the added link. If there are associated conditional extensions, you need to revert the conditional extensions before you can revert the global extension. 

  • Groups - appears only when the view is capable of displaying multiple data sets, usually originating from different application data sources. For example, on the Purchase Order transaction, the Header view only displays data from one data source so “Groups” is not shown. The Summary view of the Purchase Order, however, uses four data sources to show information from the Header, Vendor, Commodity, and Accounting data sources so “Groups” is shown so that properties such as the titles and relative order of these data sets can be modified. The following Group properties can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.




Indicates the title associated with the group of the page.


Indicates the relative order in which the group is displayed in relation to the other sections of the page.


Indicates whether the group will be displayed on the page.

  • Sections - lists the field sets contained within the view, typically corresponding to small sets of scalar fields seen within a collapsible scalar section or as a tab embedded within a grid row. Properties such as the titles and relative order of the sections can be modified. The following Section properties can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.




Indicates the title associated with the section of the page.


Indicates the relative order in which the section is displayed in relation to the other sections of the page.


Indicates whether the group will be displayed on the page.

Number Of Display Columns

Indicates the number of columns displayed on a scalar section. The number of columns displayed is limited based on the resolution used to display the application. If no value is specified, the system will try to display as many columns as possible up to the maximum of 4 columns. In certain situations, the Number of Display Columns has been set to a specific value for a given section for readability purposes. Examples of this are Discount or Retainage terms where the number of display columns is used to organize fields related to one term separately from fields related to another term.

Note: The application may not honor the specified number of columns under a few conditions:

  • If the configured value exceeds the maximum number of scalar columns appropriate for the browser screen width. For example, if the current browser width allows a maximum of three scalar columns, a preference for four scalar columns will be ignored and the fields will be rendered in three columns.

  • In addition to a section level preference to control the number of display columns in the scalar layout, the Start New Row property at the field level can be used to render a field on the next row. Field level preference takes precedence over section level preference when both preferences are used within a section and UI framework may not honor section level preference as intended.

  • Fields - shows the fields on the page, organized by Group (when applicable) and Section. If the same field (from the same backend data source) appears in multiple places on the page during normal page usage, the field will appear just once in this list. Several field properties can be modified. The following Field properties can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.

The drop-down fields with Yes or No values cannot be marked as Required Extension on Configure Page (DESIGNER), since these fields always have a selected value of either Yes or No. Therefore, the Required Extension for these fields on Configure Page (DESIGNER) is displayed as disabled.

Changes made to certain properties listed in the following table differ in terms of Simple grids and Complex grids.  

  • Simple Grid: Grid that has a single scalar without multiple tabs.

  • Complex Grid: Grid with embedded scalar tabs.



Attribute Name

Indicates the technical name associated with the field. This field cannot be extended.

When search uses an upper-case field and the search results display the mixed-case field, the attribute name reflects the technical name associated with the mixed-case field.

Business Object

Indicates the business object that the field is bound to. This field cannot be extended.

Business Object is blank for the unbound fields.


Indicates the title associated with the field of the page. If this field is also a search field, the title extension also applies to the search field.

Note: If the extended title needs to be reflected across applications including system feedback messages, please consider extending the title using the Configure Business Object action.


Indicates whether the field will be displayed on the page.


Indicates the display priority of the field.

  • Primary - Field is initially displayed on the page opening.

  • Secondary - Field is only displayed when Show More is activated. Setting used for less important or seldom used fields.

  • Tertiary – Field will always be hidden. Field is revealed only by site-specific configuration. Infrequently used options. Setting primarily used for infrequently used functionality across Advantage client community.

Note: Changes done for the Priority display of any field will only be applicable for the pages with a Simple Grid.


Indicates the relative display order of field in relation to other fields being displayed.


Used for adjacent fields. Indicates the relative display order of adjacent fields within the same Rank.

Starts New Row

Indicates that the field should be displayed starting on a new row. The display of all subsequent rank fields will be adjusted accordingly.


Indicates that the field is non-editable and protected from updates. For fields that are already protected in the Advantage baseline application, the Protected field cannot be extended.


Indicates whether an asterisk (*) is displayed along with the field title. An asterisk is displayed along with the title for baseline required fields and the Required field is set to Yes. If the Required field is No, then you can set the Required Extension field to Yes, which displays the asterisk along with the field title.

Note: Displaying the asterisk on an optional field does not enforce any field requirement. Enforcing a field requirement must be done by some other means, such as by custom code or by using Configurable Validation functionality to define a validation.

For fields that are required by the Advantage Baseline application, the Required field cannot be extended and the Required Extension field is not editable.

Required for Search

Indicates whether the indicated field is required when searching on the indicated page. When the Required for Search Extension field is set to Yes, the red asterisk will be added next to the search field’s name on the indicated page and an error is issued if the search field is not populated when initiating a search.

The Required for Search field does not impact search field requirements that exist on the page as part of baseline code.

Note: “Bounded” fields are those fields that are physically part of the business objects used on the page. “Unbounded” fields to not exist on the business object. Examples are total or summary fields. Unbounded fields are used to display values not found on the business object or used on the page to allow input of a value used for processing the page data. The Required for Search Extension field can only be set for “Bounded” fields.

Prohibit Multiple Values

Indicates whether the search field prohibits comma separated values. If a search field already prohibits multiple values in the Advantage baseline application, this property cannot be extended.

Note: Supported for text, numeric, or date fields. Not supported on Performance Budgeting pages.

Prohibit Wild Card

Indicates whether the search field prohibits wildcard characters. If a search field already prohibits wildcard characters in the Advantage baseline application, this property cannot be extended.

Note: Supported for text fields. Not supported on Performance Budgeting pages.

Prohibit Range

Indicates whether the search field prohibits range values (using colon to indicate from/to values). If a search field already prohibits range values in the Advantage baseline application, this property cannot be extended.

Note: Supported for numeric or date fields. Not supported on Performance Budgeting pages.

Show in Grid

Indicates whether the field will be displayed in the complex grid.

This property is only applicable when the view has a complex grid.

Note: Changes done to this property will only be applicable for the pages with a Complex Grid.

Grid Rank

Indicates the relative display order of the field in relation to other fields being displayed in the complex grid.

This property is only applicable when the view has a complex grid.

Note: Changes done to this property will only be applicable for the pages with a Complex Grid.

On a reference data page where you can search for records and see results displayed in a grid on the search view, and view or edit records on the details view, the system supports an Add Field to Grid action. You can use it to add fields to the search results grid display. Save any extension in progress before clicking the Add Field to Grid action to avoid losing unsaved extension.

When supported, the Add Field to Grid action is shown in the Fields grid. This action opens a window that lists the fields that are eligible to add to the search results grid. The following types of fields cannot be moved to the search results grid: fields not displayed (for example, tertiary priority or controlled by visibility logic), unbound fields, or fields that are displayed as a group under a composite field (for example, fields making up address appearing as a group in details view). You can select one or more fields to add to the search results grid. If all available fields are already in the search results grid, the modal window does not show any fields.

Fields added to the search results grid appear as secondary fields behind other grid fields. You can update the Rank Extension or Priority Extension under Grid Properties, if needed. Fields added using the Add Field to Grid action are global extensions and you can apply a conditional extension for the added fields using the Extend Same Field row-level action, if needed. You can use Revert Extension to undo the addition as long as there are no associated conditional extensions for the added field. If there are associated conditional extensions, you need to revert the conditional extensions before you can revert the global extension.

  • Data Sources - located on the Pick/DataSource tab when the page is not a Performance Budgeting page. A page can use one or more data sources. If a data source is used by a grid, it is shown here. The following property can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.



    Maximum Downlaod Rows

    Indicates the maximum number of lines that can be exported to the CSV file for the following grid actions:

    • Export All > Viewable Columns

    • Export All > Spreadsheet

    • Export All > Available Columns

    • Download

  • Picks - located on the Pick/DataSource tab when the page is not a Performance Budgeting page. If a pick is marked to not allow extensions (allowExtensions = false), then the pick does not appear in the Picks listing. If a pick is used by multiple fields on the page, the pick appears just once in this list but the Pick field lists all fields using it. The following property can be modified (extended) using DESIGNER.




Indicates whether the pick is displayed on the page.

If a field is not editable but has pick support, do not hide the pick because you cannot populate the field.

Note: Hiding a pick also disables any type-ahead or Favorite functionality tied to the field(s) losing the pick.   

Additional Where

Indicates the filter to use when displaying pick results.

Additional Where Extension is not supported if the pick uses a query object as a data source, or if the pick already has Additional Where specified.

Use a valid SQL WHERE clause without the key word WHERE to specify the extension value. Use plain text only, as formatted text can cause SQL errors. Filter using database table columns only.

It is highly recommended to use a database tool to test the SQL WHERE clause against the actual database table to validate the SQL WHERE clause.  

Order By

Indicates the order in which pick results are sorted.

Order By Extension is not supported if the pick uses a query object as a data source.

Use a valid SQL ORDER BY clause without the key word ORDER BY. Key words ASC or DESC are allowed to indicate the direction to sort the data. Order using database table columns only.

It is highly recommended to avoid the use of non-indexed table columns in the ORDER BY clause to reduce application performance degradation.

There are dedicated pick pages that are specifically designed to be used to support field picks and are registered on Application Page Registration (APGS), for example, Commodity Pick (COMMPICK) and Employee ID Pick (EMPLPICK). For these pages, you can use DESIGNER to configure the field layout on the pick modal.

If a pick uses a dedicated pick page, it is possible that the dedicated pick page already has built-in logic to filter or sort results that can take precedence over extensions. If a dedicated pick page does not have built-in logic, then the filter and sort if specified on page metadata will apply; if there is no filter or sort from page metadata, then the filter and sort from Application Page Registration will apply if they are specified and the pick page does not use query object as a data source.

If a pick uses a dedicated pick page that uses a data object as the data source and does not have built-in logic to filter or sort results, you have the choice to configure filter and sort using DEISGNER or APGS. If the same filter and sort can be used most of the time, you can configure filter and sort on the APGS record corresponding to the dedicated pick page. Then you can use DESIGNER to configure filters and sort for individual picks that need to behave differently.


  • Non-standard pages are not fully supported by online extensibility using Configure Page (DESIGNER). For example:

  • Account Settings (ACTSET): Has multiple sub-sections under the tabs.

  • Report Listing (RPRTLST): Uses tree components. Contains two grids that show the same fields from the same data source.

  • The following common pages across the application listed on the Application Pages (ERPAPGS) table are not supported by online extensibility using Configure Page (DESIGNER):

  • Pages used to support Configure Page or Configure Business Object

  • Advantage Home Page (ADVHMPG)

  • Image Widget (IMAGEWID)

  • Note: For page types mentioned above, it is recommended that a file-based extension be used for full extensibility functionality.

Configure Business ObjectConfigure Business Object

Select Configure Business Object from the row-level menu. This action transitions you to a page that displays the list of business objects that can be extended on that page. If you wish to extend a specific business object, select the Configure action from the corresponding row to navigate to the Configure Business Object page where you can apply business object extensions.

  • Properties - shows the properties of a business object that can be extended.



Business Object

Business object that is being extended. This field cannot be extended.


Indicates the title associated with the Business Object.

  • Attributes - shows the list of the attributes and the associated properties that can be extended.




Indicates the technical name associated with the field. This field cannot be extended.


Indicates the title/caption associated with the field.


Indicates the size of the field.

Maximum Allowable Size

Read-only value indicates the maximum field size allowed in the field. The system issues an error message if an extension value is greater than this value.

Title Extensions

Extensions to the Business Object Title and Field Title are applied immediately on the application pages that use the business object, but the extensions will not reflect in system feedback messages, until the extensions are migrated, the Designer Sync job is run to merge the extension to RTFiles, PalDb is regenerated, and the system is bounced.

Size Extensions

Extensions to the Business Object Attribute size are applied immediately on the application pages that use the business object and restrict users to enter the value not more than the new attribute size. Extensions are not reflected in the business logic until the extensions are migrated, and the Designer Sync job is run to merge the extensions to RTFiles, PALDb is regenerated, and the system is bounced.

Size extensions are allowed in limited scenarios on fields that match the following criteria.

  • Field data type is Varchar or String.

  • Field not marked as globally used using a type-definition reference.

  • Field does not have an associated Coded Value List ().

  • Field does not have a default value defined in baseline.

When applicable, the system allows:

  • A decrease of field size below the delivered value: or

  • An increase above the delivered value up to a maximum allowable size in cases where the maximum allowable size is greater than the delivered size value.

Changing field size may have several impacts within and across the Advantage applications, and integration with the external systems. Therefore, proper analysis and due diligence is required before applying change to field size extensions.

Field size changes are safer in the following scenarios:

  • Generic fields delivered in baseline for future custom needs.

  • Fields are available in baseline and you want to use them for the first time.

If you have a need to change a field size that already is in use in current or previous releases, here are some important points to consider:

  • Verify if a database table already has records and the extended field has values greater than the new field size. Update existing table records manually to conform to the new field size(s).

  • Verify impact on Business Intelligence/Advantage Insight applications and ensure the new field size is propagated to implemented applications.

  • Verify impact on published Advantage Connect API documentation. Update the documentation as necessary for your partners consuming the Advantage services.

  • Verify inbound interface processes impacted by the field size change. Notify your partners accordingly to avoid errors in interface processes.

  • Verify outbound interface processes impacted by the field size. Modify the processes as needed.

  • Verify whether size extensions impact COBOL payroll and/or Next Generation payroll applications. Avoid size extensions to prevent errors in payroll processing.

  • Verify if size extensions impact Configurable Validation (BORULE) and/or Configurable Formula (BOFRMLA) records already defined on the business object. Update the configuration as needed to match the extended field size.

Currently, in Performance Budgeting, specific field labels are controlled at the page metadata level instead of the domain level. For example, position number is listed as Code at the domain level and Position Number on the page metadata. Other examples include employee number and assignment number. These referenced labels are not configured by business object configuration; the labels may be updated through DESIGNER field labels, if desired.  

  • For COA elements labels: Labels specified on the COA template are overwritten by labels configured using DESIGNER. Labels configured via the Configure Page action will take precedence at the page level over labels configured via the Configure Business Object action. For example, if the COA template has Fund as a label, and Configure Page has Grants, the system displays it as Grants Maintenance. If Configure Business Object has a label of General Fund, the system still displays Grants as Configure Page takes precedence over Configure Business Object.

  • For Capital Template custom fields and capital reference field labels: Labels specified on the Capital Template take precedence over DESIGNER configuration. For example, Capital Reference Field 1 is labeled as “Function Maintenance” and the DESIGNER configuration has Sub-function Maintenance. The system displays Function Maintenance for the Capital Reference Field 1.  

Applying ExtensionsApplying Extensions

If you make changes directly on the initial record, (that is, Business Role, Business Process, Transaction, and Department all show “FOR ALL”), then the extension applies globally. If you want to specify an extension conditionally, you need to use the Extend Same... action available on the row-level menu. This will create a new row for the same Group, Section, Field, or Actions/Links (depending on which grid you are using) where you must specify one condition (Business Role, Business Process, Transaction, or Department). You can specify Business Role or Business Process condition for a common page. You can use the Extend Same… action additional times for the same record, as long as the combination of Business Role, Business Process, Transaction and Department is unique.

Out-of-the-box , the Department drop-down is empty, and the Transaction drop-down shows baseline transaction codes applicable to the page. If your site has created clones of a transaction or your site wants to configure pages based on Department condition, you can run the Designer to XML Sync Process job in the Financial or HRM application to generate the Transaction and Department drop-down values using data setup from the Transaction Control (DCTRL) and Department (DEPT) tables. Refer to the Designer to XML Synchronization Process run sheet for more information.

To identify rows that have been extended via the use of Configure Page (DESIGNER), refer to the Extended? field value. When an extension is applied to a row, the Extended? field will be set to Yes.

Note: The Extended? field value only applies to extensions created using Configure Page. Extensions delivered via a file-based extension will not be indicated by the Extended? field.

Reverting ExtensionsReverting Extensions

You can revert an extension using the Revert Extension action via the row-level menu. Note that certain extensions may require manual update to the corresponding extension file in order to revert properly.  You can revert all pending extensions for a Configure Page record by selecting Undo Pending Extensions from the page-level menu. Neither Revert Extension nor Undo Pending Extensions impact delivered file-based extensions, as delivered file-based extensions cannot be configured using DESIGNER. 

Add to / Remove from Migration QueueAdd to / Remove from Migration Queue

A record must be added to the migration queue before it is selected by the Designer to XML Synchronization Process. The following page level actions assist with adding to / removing from the migration queue:

  • Add to Migration Queue – Selecting this action marks a record as complete, which indicates it will be selected by the Designer to XML Synchronization Process. This action hides the row-level menu for all rows of all grids of all the tabs, and prevent users from making any changes to any rows by making them read-only.

  • Remove from Migration Queue – Selecting this action removes a record from the migration queue that was previously added to the migration queue.  This action makes the record editable again and allows you to make any additional changes before it is again added to the migration queue.

Extended Business ObjectsExtended Business Objects

When you click the links under the Extended Business Objects sub menu from the Configure Page (DESIGNER) page-level menu, you navigate to the Extended Business Objects page, which lists extended business objects based on the clicked link’s filter (application, pending synchronization, or under development). If you wish to view extension details for a specific business object, select the View action from the corresponding row to navigate to the View Extended Business Object page.

The View Extended Business Object page is an adjusted view of the Configure Business Objects page and has a similar layout with the following key differences:

  • Only attributes with extensions are shown.

  • The page is read only. You cannot apply or revert extensions, nor can you add a business object to or remove it from the migration queue.

File-Based ExtensionsFile-Based Extensions

Some supported extensions are outside of the functionality of Configure Page and would need to use file-based extensions, which involves editing the page or business object extension xml file manually. Such file-based extensions are delivered to the custom sub-layer of the application layer and are separate from configurations maintained by a site using DESIGNER and the Designer Sync to XML Process. If competing extensions arise between the Configure Page and file-based extensions, the extension from Configure Page takes precedence.

Verifying ExtensionsVerifying Extensions

The online.extension.db.mode in the file controls whether an extension is immediately available after you save it on the Configure Page. The setting does not apply to file-based extensions, which always requires PalDb regeneration before the extension is seen online.

Once an extension is available online, you can navigate to the page and verify that the extension appears as desired. Depending on the scope of the extension (global, role, process, transaction, or department), you may need to select the appropriate role, navigate to the page a certain way, or choose records that satisfy the transaction or department condition in order to see the extension.

An informational message is displayed at the top of the DESIGNER page indicating whether Online Extension Mode is enabled or disabled. This allows users to quickly determine the current setting.

Note: Sties can append additional text to the informational message via the SYSADMDT record on the Configurable Text (CTEXT) page. For example, sites can include additional information about contacting a System Administrator along with specific contact details. The additional text is appended to the end of the baseline delivered message.