Configure Page

Configure Page (DESIGNER) allows you to apply extensions for pages or business objects in Advantage.

The page-level Extended Pages sub menu includes four Application Pages links that open an adjusted view of Configure Page (DESIGNER), showing only those pages with XML extensions in the particular area of Advantage: Administration, Financial, Human Resource Management, or Performance Budgeting. The listings represent updates done online as well as file-based extensions. When a Common page accessible from all applications is configured using DESIGNER and processed to XML, the XML extensions are written to all applications within the unified environment, and the Common page appears under each area of Advantage. The Pages Pending Synchronization page-level link gives you pages that are extended online, but yet to be synchronized using the Designer to XML Sync Process. The Pages Under Development page-level link gives you pages that are extended online but not yet added to the migration queue. The Pages Pending Synchronization link and Pages Under Development link shows Common pages using the Area of Common.

The page-level Extended Business Objects sub menu contains links that open to the Extended Business Objects page, where you can see a filtered list of extended business objects. These navigations require business object data to be populated in a background table. Refer to the “Populate Business Object Metadata” run sheet in the CGI Advantage Administration Utilities Run Sheets Guide for more information. There are four Application Business Objects links showing only those business objects with XML extensions in the particular area of Advantage: Administration, Financial, Human Resource Management, or Performance Budgeting. The listings represent updates done online as well as previous business object extensions already processed to XML and deployed to PALDB. The Business Objects Pending Synchronization link gives you business objects that are extended online, but yet to be synchronized using the Designer to XML Sync Process. The Business Objects Under Development link gives you business objects that are extended online but not yet added to the migration queue.

On the Extended Business Objects page, the View action is available from the row-level menu to navigate to an adjusted view of the Configure Business Object page that shows a read only view of the business object extension details.

On Configure Page (DESIGNER) or pages under the Extended Pages sub menu, once you have found the page in the inquiry results, select the row-level menu to access the Configure Page or Configure Business Object actions.

Note: The Configure Business Object action is not available for Common pages across the application listed on the Application Pages (ERPAPGS) table.

Configure Page

Configure Business Object

Applying Extensions

Reverting Extensions

Add to / Remove from Migration Queue

Extended Business Objects

File-Based Extensions

Verifying Extensions