Create Alerts

The Create Alerts page is accessed by selecting the Create button on the Alerts page.

Field InformationField Information





Conditionally Required

Indicates the recipient of the alert. Valid options are: User ID, and/or a Business Role, and/or a User Group. The choice will display the correct field to recording recipient information.

  • The User ID to whom the alert message should be sent. An alert can be sent to multiple users with values separated by commas.

  • Business Role – The Business Role or business roles to which an alert message will be sent to all the User IDs that have the Business Role associated.

  • User Group – The User Group(s) to which an alert message will be sent to all User IDs associated with that User Group. Creating a User Group and assigning users to the User Group can be done via the User Group Maintenance (USRGRP) page.

A choice must be made unless the All Users indication is selected.

All Users

Conditionally Required

The selection of this indication will result in the alert being sent to all users in the system.



This field identifies the type of alert with respect to what the reader should do with the information:

  • Info – The alert provides information to the user, but does not require any actions on the user’s part (for example, "The system will come down for maintenance at 6 pm").

  • To-Do – The alert indicates an action that the user needs to perform (for example, "Change your password").



The level of priority associated with the alert that is intended to convey an urgency the reader of the alert needs to act. Valid values are: Critical, Medium, or Low.

Of these choices, Critical has the special function of becoming a pop-up page for users already logged in or immediately upon logging in for those not actively in CGI Advantage. The Critical Priority has two options in the Alert Delivery field to schedule the delivery of critical alerts either Immediate or Schedule on specific day and time.



This field captures the message text that is the alert. Use the items in the tool bar just above the field as needed to format the alert or include items in the alerts such as an external link.

Alert Delivery  


This field indicates when the alert should be delivered.

  • Immediate – This option is only available if the Priority field is set to Critical and the ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_SCHEDULING_OF_CRITICAL_ALERT parameter is set to true on the ERP Application Parameter (ERPCTRL) page. The Immediate option should be chosen if a Critical alert should be sent to users (whether active or inactive) immediately. By default, this option displays the critical alert pop-up within 30 seconds to the intended user/s on the application page. 

The IMMEDIATE_CRITICAL_ALERT_EXPIRY parameter on ERPCTRL determines the expiry time in minutes for an Immediate Critical Alert. The delivered value is 30. 

Note: Changes to ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_SCHEDULING_OF_CRITICAL_ALERT and IMMEDIATE_CRITICAL_ALERT_EXPIRY parameters on ERPCTRL require a server restart. Refer to the “ERP Application Parameters" topic for more information.

  • Schedule on specific day and time – This is the default value. This option allows you to schedule the alert for a specific Start Date and Time and End Date and Time.

Note: Using this option for a Critical alert will display the alert pop-up to the user as per the scheduled period, and only when the user is actively performing operations in the application.

Start Date and Time


Each alert must begin at a certain date and time. The system will default the Server Date and Time if not entered. The format for this field is HH: MM. The alert message is available from the first minute of the Start Date until the End Time on the End Date.

End Date and Time


Each alert must end at a certain date and time. Allow enough time here to account for users receiving the message.

Send SMS



The selection of this indication triggers an SMS to the recipient/s with the alert in addition to the online alert message. However, to receive the SMS, the user’s phone number must be set up on the Account Settings page of the User Profile.

Send Email


The selection of this indication triggers an email to the recipient/s with the alert in addition to the online alert message. However, to receive the email, the user must have setup their alert email address in their Account Settings page of the User Profile.

After the alert is successfully saved, the record appears on the Draft tab of the Alerts page for the sender if the Start Date and Time is in the future. If the Start Date and Time was the current date and time, the record appears on the Sent tab for the sender. Also, once sent, the alert can be viewed on the Received tab for the receiver.

Note: The Active Alert Interval (ACTIVE_ALERT_INTERVAL) Application Parameter (APPCTRL) defines the interval in minutes that is used to determine how often to trigger the Active Alert check. The Active Alert Interval parameter represents the number of minutes that should elapse before an Active Alert check should look for new messages. The value for this entry must be a positive integer.