Custom Logo on Login Page

Sites can customize the logo that appears on the login page in Advantage by including a custom branding logo or a custom branding image. The differences between the two files are included below.

Note: If both the branding logo and branding image files are placed in the image folder, the branding image takes precedence over the branding logo and the login page displays the branding image.

Scenario 1: Sites wants to use a Branding Logo

  1. Site must replace .../custom/images/branding-logo.png with a new image with the same file name.

  2. Site must run the Metadata Generator Utility.

  3. Bounce the application server.

Scenario 2: Sites wants to use a Branding Image

  1. Site must place a new image in .../custom/images/branding.png

  2. Site must run the Metadata Generator Utility.

  3. Bounce the application server.

To customize the logo that appears on the login page when accessed from a mobile device, refer to the “How to customize Splash Screen Image” section in the CGI Advantage Mobile Administration Guide.