Flow Initiation Setup

The Flow Initiation Setup (FLWSETUP) search page allows you to view and define how Flow elements are embedded and integrated in CGI Advantage. You can narrow your search using the Transaction Code, Transaction Type, and Process Definition fields displayed on this page.

The Create Flow Initiation Setup page is accessed by selecting the Create button on the Flow Initiation Setup page.

The following table provides detail on each field displayed on the Create Flow Initiation Setup page.



Transaction Code

The unique code for the transaction page.

Transaction Type

The transaction type associated with the transaction code.

Transaction Dept

The transaction department associated with the transaction code and process.

Transaction Unit

The transaction unit associated with the transaction department and process.


The current phase of the process:

  • Draft

  • Pending

  • Final


The transaction status for the process:

  • Ready

  • Submitted

  • Held


The action associated with the transaction actions:

  • Validate

  • Submit

  • Save

Short Name

The name of the process.

Process Definition

The process definition that will be executed when the task is performed.

Flow Action

This is a placeholder for a future feature set.

Process Pattern

This determines if you want to create the process synchronously or asynchronously.

Process Repeatable

This determines if the progress runs multiple times.

Task Type

The type of the task:

  • Process

  • Case

Case Definition

The case definition that will be executed when the task is performed.


This determines if the process is enabled or disabled.

Note: Advantage Flow is disabled by default and requires an additional license to enable it.