Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers in regards to the Configurable Validation functionality.
Yes, configurable validations are applied at the business object level and are not necessarily required to map to a physical table. For example, validations supported on mediation and custom data connector business objects that are not bound to a physical table and utilizes underlying business object processing events.
Can I specify when to trigger the validation?Can I specify when to trigger the validation?
Yes, you can choose an appropriate system event using Trigger Action options available on the validation record. Advantage will activate validation when the associated system event is executed.
Yes, Advantage uses a third party library, Apache JEXL, for expression evaluation and syntax must comply with JEXL rules.
Yes, it is possible; however, we do not recommend using this feature for enforcing valid or invalid combinations.
Yes, there is no limitation. Advantage supports any number of fields (of referenced business object) within the expression including "added" fields created via extensibility.
The primary purpose of Configurable Validation is to provide the ability to make Advantage more restrictive, not to replace/override baseline validation. In this scenario, both validations are executed to maintain data integrity.
Absolutely; however, please keep in mind that an external rule engine comes with added overhead. Therefore, we recommend using data model extensions for this kind of boilerplate type of validation so they will be enforced efficiently using Advantage native framework. This can be achieved using a simple data model extension by simply flipping the Required flag on the field to true.
No. Configurable Validation is applied at the data model level and integrated into business object processing framework. Validation is enforced for both online and offline activity.