Grid Download Template

The Grid Download Template (PDTPL) page is available in the Advantage Administration, Financial, Vendor Self Service, and Human Resource Management applications. The Grid Download Template pages are maintained by a System Administrator to define download templates by an application page.

You can define more than one template for the same page code. This can happen if you want different templates for the same grid or if the page displays grids on multiple tabs or multiple grids on the same view. If there are multiple templates for a page, you need to define PDTPL entries for all of them so that they are available for selection later when the grid level Spreadsheet action is used on an application page. You can use the PDTPL page to define download templates for pages that are registered on Application Page Registration (APGS).

Refer to the “Export Grid Results to Spreadsheet” topic in the CGI Advantage Page/Table User Guide for detailed instructions on defining a template and using the download to Spreadsheet action on application pages.

It should be noted that the Target Application can be precluded by a user’s local desktop settings. For example, the Target Application indicates the intended type of output file that will result from the download, such as Excel for a template file ending with an .xlsx /.xlsm extension. However, if the user has a local setting that associates any of the two .xlsx /.xlsm extensions to a different application, then that setting prevails.

Deleting an entry from Grid Download Template (PDTPL) does not delete the template file itself from the server but makes that template unavailable for use for all users.

The system does not perform validations if an invalid template file name is entered (that is, does not match the template uploaded on the server). If an invalid template record is selected later for download, the system uses the default template style ignoring the details on the selected record.

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