Initialization File Settings for Attachments

Attachments related permissions and restrictions can be initialized during the initial load of the application, by doing the configurations in the CGI Advantage initialization parameter file (Adv30Params.ini file) and restarting the VLS servers. These permissions/restrictions apply for all transactions and pages in the respective VLS application server.

  • Attachment Types Allowed

The AttachmentTypesAllowed parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file indicates the Attachment Types that can be uploaded in Advantage. If the value is an asterisk (*) or is null, then all types of files can be uploaded. Otherwise, only the Attachment Types listed for this parameter are allowed. The system interprets the file types written in the AttachmentTypesAllowed parameter in a case-insensitive manner.

  • Max Upload Files

The Maxuploadfiles parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file controls/restricts the number of files a user can add to the Upload Attachment tab at one time using multiple file selection. The default value of the parameter is set to <= 5. However, there is no restriction with regard to the number of attachments that can be added to the Upload Attachment page or Attachment page. For example, you can use the Browse action multiple times to add more files than the Maxuploadfiles parameter allows you to add at one time to the Upload Attachment page.

  • Max Attachment Size

The parameter MaxAttachmentSize determines the size limit of an attachment to be allowed for upload. This parameter allows you to specify the size limit (in megabytes) for each attachment that will apply globally.

  • Restricted Special Characters

The RestrictedSpecialCharacter parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file controls the special characters that can be restricted on the attachment’s file name, that are used to upload on transactions and pages in Advantage. Any special character, number, alphabet value/s provided against this parameter will apply as a restriction and the application will not allow an attachment file name containing such character, to be uploaded by the users as an attachment. Multiple values can be provided as restriction using comma separations. If no values are provided, the system will not apply any restrictions for the attachment file name.