Leaf Fields

The Leaf Fields (LEAF) page allows you to set up and maintain leafing information for all of the application pages.

The following information can be set up on this page:

For partial key leafing, the source page may provide only partial key information of the destination page.  For example, the LEAF setup for the STTL table would be as follows.  The key fields are Title and Sub-Title.   Title is set up as Required, whereas Sub-Title is set up as Optional.  This means that if the Sub-Title code is provided by the source page, then it is used, together with the Title code, to filter appropriate data on the STTL page to bring up only those records that match both the Title and Sub-Title code selected.  If only the Title code is available and no Sub-Title code is available (such as when leafing from TITL to STTL), then only the Title code is used to perform the leafing.  STTL displays all records containing the selected Title code.

For example: If a query object is made of the EMPL and the EMPL_ASGNMT table and has an attribute (INTERNAL_EMPL_ID) that is present in both of the tables, Architecture needs to know form which table the column should be referenced.  In this case, the Leaf Attribute Prefix can be given as either EMPL or EMPL_ASGNMT.

You can transition to the Context Sensitive Search page by clicking the Context Sensitive Setup Related Page link.