Observability Configuration
The Observability module is responsible for Application Performance Management, which is typically used by CGI for troubleshooting. It consists of capturing and monitoring metrics, logs, and traces. The Observability Configuration (OBSCNFG) page is used by CGI to configure observability within the Advantage. Using this page, a CGI administrator can enable the capturing of environment metrics (for example, sessions, database connections, JVM metrics, and so forth), log indexing, and application tracing.
The Observability Configuration (OBSCNFG) page is divided into three sections. Each section focuses on the configuration of a specific type of observability. The Metrics section allows a CGI administrator to define the observability server host/port and configure various types of metrics collection options. The Log Indexing section allows a CGI administrator to define the observability server host/port and to enable log indexing. The Tracing section allows a CGI administrator to define tracing endpoints and enable application tracing.
Please refer to the CGI Advantage Application Performance Management Guide for more details on observability.