
The Reports (RPRTLST) page is a read-only view of folders and reports for non-admin users. The left panel displays the list of folders and sub-folders accessible to the user and right panel shows the reports inside those folders. Unlike the Manage Reports page, the user does not have permissions to perform any actions over folders and reports. The user can click on the reports hyperlink and the report will open up in a new page. The View All action take you to the View All Reports page. On this page, the user can access all reports accessible to the user without the folder hierarchy.

Note: Before accessing the reports from this page, make sure that the Row-Level Security steps are executed for the Power BI Datasets used by the report. Refer to the “Business Intelligence - Row Level Security” topic in the CGI Advantage Security Administration Guide for more information.



Report Name

The name of the report defined on Power BI Server.

Workspace Name

The name of the workspace that contains the reports.

Report Location

The location of the report inside the folders (created on Advantage application). It also includes the location of the same report in all other folders.