Screen Guide Recording

Screen Guide Recording allows a user to create step-by-step guidance.


Record, Pause/Resume and Stop icons are placed on the Global Navigation Panel, through which recording of the screen guide can be done.




Starts the recording with an alert message that recording is going to be started.


On clicking the icon for the first time, recording is paused and after clicking the icon again, recording is resumed.


Stops the recording with an alert message and the user is presented with a modal with the list of recorded steps.

On clicking Stop, a modal page with details of the recorded screen guide steps will be shown.






Indicates the title that is displayed in the Assistant pop-up window for the screen guide.



Indicates the description that is displayed in the Assistant pop-up window for the screen guide.

Business Role


Indicates the business role(s) for which the screen guide is available:

  • Sites can select the available business roles from a pick list.

  • Multiple values can be added with a comma separated list.

  • If no option is selected, then the value defaults to ALL.

Page Code


Indicates the page code for which the screen guide should be associated with. This is inferred by system.



Select this check box to ensure that this screen guide is displayed in the Assistant pop-up window once the user navigates and launches Assistant for the mapped business role and page code. By default, this check box is not selected.

When the Active check box is not selected, the preview of this screen guide is only displayed in the Assistant pop-up for the creator of the screen guide. An Inactive label appears next to the screen guide name in the Assistant pop-up so the creator can easily tell which screen guides are inactive.

All Business Roles  


Select this check box to assign this screen guide for all available business roles. By default, this check box is selected.

Step Order


Indicates the order of steps that is displayed while playing the screen guide.

Step Description


Indicates the description that is displayed while playing the screen guide. Users can provide an appropriate instruction.

Tooltip Placement


Indicates the direction of the tooltip that is displayed while playing the screen guide.  The default Tooltip placement is bottom.

User Interaction


Indicates that a user interaction such as page navigation is required at this step, in order to display the next step in the recording sequence.



Indicates the Department(s) for which the screen guide is available. Advantage uses the user’s home department to filter screen guides.

Multiple values can be added with a comma separated list.

Once the above field details are updated, click the Save button. A screen guide is updated successfully.

The steps can be deleted by selecting the Delete row-level action for deleting a single step and Delete grid-level action for deleting multiple steps on the modal.

Extensibility Guidelines

Following are some tips to make Screen Guide adjustments, in case there are page layout changes done to the Advantage page through extensions via Configure Page (DESIGNER) or File Based Extensions. If there are any additional type of changes done to the page layout is not included in the below list, it is recommended to re-record the Screen Guide on the updated Advantage page.

  1. If a field is hidden through extension, then the corresponding step has to be deleted for the respective screen guide through the Manage Guide (GUIDE) page.

  2. If a field label is modified through extension, then you may want to review and update step description for the respective screen guide through the Manage Guide (GUIDE) page.

  3. If a field priority is modified through extension, then you may want to review and update previous step description to instruct the user to click on Show More and navigate to the next step.

  4. If a field rank is modified through extension, then you may want to review and update step details for the respective screen guide through the Manage Guide (GUIDE) page.


  1. The Recording feature requires user authentication to the application. For example, this feature does not work on the Login page, VSS Welcome Page and Vendor Registration Wizard.

  2. The Recording feature requires the page to be registered on Application Page Registration (APGS) with a valid page code.

  3. Walkthroughs are associated with page code. If page code is changed, it is recommended to re-record the Screen Guide on the updated Advantage page.

  4. The Screen guide for the elements inside a popover such as Primary Navigation Menu, Configure Search Criteria, Personalized Columns, Grid Actions, row-level menu, and so forth are not supported.

  5. The Recording of options within a drop-down is not supported.

  6. Assistant is configured with a maximum number of Screen Guides per site. If a site uploads guides beyond this limit, then a system feedback message is issued. The message text is configurable via the Messages (MESG) page by updating the Q0288 record. Sites must purchase an additional license to upload guides beyond the limit.