Testing Email Functionality
The CGI Advantage application allows you to test email functionality without actually sending emails to recipients in a production or non-production environment. This feature allows you to test functionality as designed without the need to disable POP servers or scrub (replace email addresses with a dummy email address) email addresses from non-production or production environments. To enable the “dummy email” functionality for a specific CGI Advantage application, two parameters must be defined on Application Parameter (APPCTRL).
SEND_DUMMY_EMAIL (Send Dummy Email) – When set to true, the CGI Advantage application sends all system-generated emails to the dummy email address defined in the SEND_DUMMY_EMAIL_ID parameter instead of the recipient email address. If set to false, the emails are sent to the recipient email address.
SEND_DUMMY_EMAIL_ID (Dummy Email Address) – Used to record an email address for testing various email notification features.