Transaction Code (Transaction Control)

The lowest level in the hierarchy is the Transaction Code. All transaction codes are defined on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) reference page. All transaction codes must be unique within the application and not just within a transaction type.

Additions and changes to Transaction Control are expected in any application. Care should be taken when establishing custom transaction codes because the same value may appear as a delivered code in a future upgrade. Unlike many other warnings about setting up custom data, transaction codes are slightly different. Many of the names of custom transaction codes are those used in prior Advantage or other applications. To change the codes that users have become familiar with, is a decision often decided against. Therefore, adequate documentation should be maintained on any custom transaction code setup so that it will not be lost when an upgrade presents a new baseline code that is identical. One way to make custom codes unique, when the opportunity exists to establish a new code, is to use a delivered code followed by a number. Outside of the budgeting area, which uses numbers to tie to a budget structure, accounting transaction codes delivered will not contain numbers. Delivered transaction codes attempt to serve as acronyms, and will not contain numbers.

The primary fields on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) page are as follows with several common ones omitted.

Field Name

Field Description

Transaction Category

The inferred transaction category value from the transaction type value entered.

Transaction Type

Every transaction code must be assigned to a transaction type. 

Transaction Code

Each transaction code is identified by a unique identifier.

Sub Type

The optional transaction sub type to which a transaction code will be defined.

Home Application

One of a variety of choices will designate that a resource (transaction code in this case) belongs to a certain application. This required value will be used when filtering pages such as the Transaction Catalog and Worklists based on the application to which a user has logged into.

As there are many options for controlling different types of transaction functionality disbursed across this setup page, the help for each control has been grouped into the following sections where similar controls are grouped even further. This order is different from that presented online to facilitate the initial setup of data on this page, which is a critical function to all implementations and subsequent upgrades where new Transaction Codes will be used.


Processing Actions

Refer to the "Transaction Code (Transaction Control)" topic in the Financial Administration User Guide for information on the options provided on this page in the Advantage Financial application.