Transaction Type

The second level in the transaction hierarchy is Transaction Type. It is at this level that the application associates database tables for data storage. Most application edits found on a transaction are set at the transaction type level with a few exceptions for transaction sub type.

Changing the delivered transaction type codes should not be done, as the application will not function properly. Changing other information on this page is allowed. New records inserted in this page will not function without considerable development.

The fields on the Transaction Type (DTYP) page are as follows with common ones omitted:

Field Name

Field Description

Transaction Type

A unique identification of a transaction type to which transaction codes will be associated.

Transaction Category

The required transaction category for which a transaction type is associated.

The following transaction type is delivered with the Administration part of CGI Advantage. Refer to the Financial Administration User Guide for the list of Transaction Types delivered with Advantage Financial.





User Maintenance