Unique Number Generation
This topic describes the unique number generation concept of the CGI Advantage system. This topic details the administration of unique numbers by system administrators. Unique numbers used in CGI Advantage are assigned based on entries maintained in the unique number table. The terms “unique numbers” and “sequence numbers” have been used interchangeably in this section.
Unique numbers are maintained by the system almost transparently to the user. A unique number request is handled at the system level instead of relying on database generated unique numbers or sequences. Unique numbers are assigned from the unique number table and can be set up so that each request for a unique number does not necessarily mean an additional database request. Instead, a set of pre assigned numbers can be reserved in the application server in memory and allocated on request. A database request is made only when the set of numbers has been exhausted or the application server is recycled.
Unique number request servicing Java methods are synchronized and the unique number table row is locked at the database level to ensure that there is no conflict in an environment supporting multiple application servers requesting unique numbers for the same unique number sequence name.
Refer to the following topics for required setup: