Archive Facilitator Inquiry

The Archive Facilitator Inquiry allows users to view the status of archiving and restoring processes run by the Facilitator. The Facilitator is a process that allows archiving/restoring of data, be it for Checks, Leave, or transactions, to be executed as a multi-step process chained together such that users only have to kick-off the first job in the series.

When the Facilitator job is executed, this page is updated with a status of Transaction Ready for Archiving, Transaction Archiving, Transaction Archiving History, Transaction Unarchiving, Transaction Archive Complete, Table Ready for Archiving, Table Archiving, Table Restoring, or Table Archive Complete, depending upon the action specified in the Facilitator parameter file. The inquiry excludes all records that have a Status of Transaction Ready For Printing, Transaction Printing, or Transactions Printed.

Row-level actionRow-level action