Batch Jobs
The batch jobs for System Processing are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the respective Run Sheets guide.
Job Name |
Description |
Batch Interface Pre-Processor |
This job performs a three way match among the Batch Interface Event (BIEVNT) record, details provided in the INF file, and transaction/reference table records in the XML file. |
Job Parameters Updater |
This job updates batch parameter values for jobs run as part of the nightly cycle. Please refer to the CGI Advantage - Administration Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information on this job. |
Multi Process Submit |
This job selects draft transactions based on the selection criteria and spawns System Maintenance Utility (SMU) jobs to submit them. |
Online Forms Cleanup |
This job loops through online View Forms records selecting those that have been previously accessed, or those that have expired, and deletes those records along with the corresponding PDF files. Generated PDF files will be purged nightly. Please refer to the CGI Advantage - Financial Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information on this job. |
Submit Ready Transactions |
This job submits any transactions that are in Ready Status based on the Transaction Code and Create User ID values included as batch parameters. If any transactions are selected for the criteria, it schedules a System Maintenance Utility (SMU) batch job for each Transaction Code and Create User ID combination to break up the work load. Please refer to the CGI Advantage - Financial Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information on this job. |
Sync Transaction ECM Reference |
The job searches attachments in the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system and adds an attachment reference on the Advantage transaction. |
System Maintenance Utility |
This job is the primary utility that can be used to maintain table data and transactions in CGI Advantage. When submitting an SMU instance, you must first choose an action, which will determine all additional options you may need to complete the action. Refer to the "Working with System Maintenance and Utility" topic in this user guide for more information. Also, you can refer to the CGI Advantage - Administration Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information on this job. |
Output File Maintenance |
This job moves and archives files from where they were originally written by system processing. Common use is to use it to move files to an external entity’s location such as to a Treasury for check printing. It can be used as a standalone batch job or can be configured as a job step within a chain job. Please refer to the CGI Advantage - Financial Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information on this job. |