Edit Catalog Entry

The Edit Catalog Entry page, allows you to modify information about an individual job that belongs to a chain job. This page is accessed by selecting Edit Job from the row-level menu on the Setup for Chain Job Steps page.

Field InformationField Information

Field Name



Choose the application for which this job is designated. Users with access to this application can schedule and run this job (provided they have access to the parent folder).

Item Type

Specifies the type of the catalog item.

Catalog Label

Specifies a name for this job that is used for display purposes in the catalog.

Class Name

Indicates the Java class for this job. This does not include the package name or the file extension “.class”, for example “AMSBatchCleanUp”.

Package Name

Indicates the Java package name for this job, for example “com.amsinc.common.batch”.

Resource ID

This field assigns a Resource ID to the selected job. All jobs associated with a Chain Job must contain the same Resource ID.

Requires Approval

If checked, then a user with a Batch Administrator role must manually approve the job before it can be run.

Cust. Param. UI Package

Specifies the name of the user interface Java package where custom pages belong, for example “Reports_Sys_Admin_App”.

Cust. Param. Page

Specifies the name of a custom page Java class (without the .class extension) where specific parameters can be setup for this particular job, for example “pIN_SYS_MAN_PARM”.