Setup Batch Job

Using the Batch Setup pages, you can add/remove/modify the following items on the Batch Catalog:

  • Folder – A logical grouping of jobs.

  • System Batch – Individual jobs that are identified and scheduled.

  • Report – Any job where the main purpose of the job is to generate a report.

  • Chain Job – A sequence of jobs that is intended to run as a group, in a particular order. You can also use logic in the chain to indicate how to proceed if jobs are successful or not (based on the job return code). One or more jobs defined in the chain can also be disabled for a run.

Row-level actionsRow-level actions

  1. Edit - This action allows you to edit the selected item.

  • This action transitions you to the System Level Process Parameters page, if the Catalog Label is Batch Catalog and the Item Type is Folder.

  • This action transitions you to the Catalog Folder Details page if the Item Type is Folder and the Catalog Label is any value other than Batch Catalog.

  • This action transitions you to the Item Details page, if the Item Type is System Batch or Report.

  • This action transitions you to the Chain Job page, if the Item Type is Chain Job.

  1. View Items - This action is available if the Item Type is Folder. Selecting this action displays any folders, batch jobs, chain jobs, or report jobs that exist directly beneath the folder.

  2. Delete - This action allows you to delete the select folder, batch job, chain job or report job. Deleting a folder results in the deletion of all items contained within that folder.