1042-S Ch. 4 Status Code (CHP4)

The 1042-S Chapter 4 Status Code (CHP4) table provides the IRS classification for the 1042-S Chapter 4 status code of the recipient being paid. The records entered on this table can be selected on various tables including the Vendor Customer (VCUST) table when the taxpayer is 1042-S reportable. The values specified on this table are used for the recipient’s Ch. 4 status code on the 1042-S form.

Valid IRS 1042-S Chapter 4 Status Codes are provided for this table. 1042-S Chapter 4 Status Codes loaded are those that are valid in the current year. There are no validations to ensure that the 1042-S Chapter 4 Status Code selected is valid for the calendar year of the form, please look at IRS guidelines to ensure the correct 1042-S Chapter 4 Status Code is selected. Changes or new codes to this table will be provided to you in the annual tax updates.