1099 Processing Options and Controls (1099P)

The 1099P table allows a user to define the parameters required by the Offline 1099 Process to create IRS forms, data file, generated Forms Report, and/or data file audit reports. Selection criteria for each calendar year are entered on two tabs: General Information and Options & Controls. Entries to this page can be added and changed throughout the calendar year as the Offline 1099 Process can be executed multiple times. The batch process will issue an error and stop if the Calendar year defined by the batch parameter does not contain a record on this table.

The General Information tab provides the calendar year for which the parameters are valid, the processing mode, last processing mode, the input to be used, the reports to be generated, whether Advantage Tax Reporting is being used, and whether the process is running for corrections or not.

Processing Mode determines how the 1099 records are processed. The purpose of each mode is as follows:

  • 1099 Report: To generate reports so that users can preview the vendor income that would be produced from the Offline 1099 Process. This mode does not update tables or create any files. Select either or both reports; Non TIN Miscellaneous Vendors Report or 1099-S Transaction by Vendor Report.

  • Testing: To generate the consolidated vendor income by CY, Form Type, 1099 Reporting Payer, TIN, and TIN Type in a condensed format so that users can preview the result of the Offline 1099 Process prior to executing in Forms or Magnetic Media modes.  This mode will add records to the 1099 Reporting Income (1099R) table with a Processing Indicator of Testing. The Magnetic Media Audit report will be produced in this mode.

  • Forms: To create text files that can be used with a third party tax software to print and send the forms out to the vendors in advance of generating the magnetic media text files that will be used to generate the IRS Transmittal file.  This can help to reduce the amount of correction records to be reported to the IRS.  If the Forms Generation Report is checked, it will also be produced.   NOTE:  If you are using the Advantage Tax Reporting module it is not necessary to run in Forms mode. The files produced from Forms mode cannot be used in by the Forms Table Load chain to update the Form Reporting tables.

  • Magnetic Media: To generate the Magnetic Media Audit report and two sets of text files.  One set for Advantage Tax Reporting module in the ExportImport folder (APPCTRL: USE_ADV_TAX_REPORTING = Yes), and one set for a third party tax software in the Report Output folder.  The Advantage Tax Reporting text files are used by the Forms Table Upload Chain job to load the records to the Forms Tables.  It is from the Forms tables that the forms can be printed and the IRS Transmittal produced to send to the IRS.  Therefore, the Offline 1099 process does not need to be executed in Forms mode for Tax Reporting sites.

  • Correction: To generate the Magnetic Media Audit report as well as two sets of text files with the corrected 1099 and 1042-S records to be used as stated above.  Newly inserted records since the last Offline 1099 run will also be picked up in Corrected mode. The files uploaded to the Forms Tables are used to generate the corrected forms and the corrected IRS Transmittal file.

The Processing Mode parameter provides the following options for how to process the 1099 records:

Processing Mode


Processing Ind on Reported Income table records

Forms generated

(Y or N)

Third Party Data Files Generated

(Y or N)

Tax Reporting Data Files Generated


1099 Journal

N/A - records are not added to 1099R or 1042R with this mode





1099 Journal and 1099 External Reported Income (1099ER) table (if the Read 1099ER parameter is set to 1(Yes)).






1099 Journal if this is the first run of the Offline 1099 Process for a Calendar Year.  

Otherwise, the input will be the records on 1099 Reported Income (1099R) or 1099ER (if the Read 1099ER parameter is set to 1(Yes)) with a Processing Indicator of Testing, Updated, or New.


Y (if loaded into a third party tax program)



Magnetic Media

1099 Journal and/or 1099ER (if the Read 1099ER parameter is set to 1(Yes)) with the Processing Indicator of Testing, Updated or New if this is the first run of the Offline 1099 process for a Calendar Year.  

If this is not the first run of the Offline 1099 Process and Forms mode was the previous run, the input will be the records on 1099R or 1099ER with a Processing Indicator of Forms, Updated, or New.

If this is not the first run of the Offline 1099 Process and Testing mode was the previous run, the input will be the records on 1099R or 1099ER with a Processing Indicator of Testing, Updated, or New.

Magnetic Media





Records on 1099R or 1099ER (if the Read 1099ER parameter is set to Yes/1) with a Processing Indicator of Updated or New.





More InfoMore Info

The first time, the Offline 1099 Process is executed for a calendar year, the 1099 Reporting Journal must be used as input. Unless the processing mode is Report, a record is created on the 1099R table for each CY, 1099 Reporting payer, TIN, TIN Type, Form Type, and 1099-S Form Number that has reportable income on the 1099 Reporting Journal.  If the 1099ER table is populated and the parameter is set to 1(Yes), it may also be used as input to update the 1099ER table. Records from the 1099 Journal will not be added to the 1099ER table nor will records from the 1099ER table be added to the 1099R or 1042R tables. Records on 1099ER are processed separately. If the 1042-S Withholding flag is checked on 1099P, records are added to the 1042-S Reporting Income (1042R) table for each CY, 1099 Reporting Payer, TIN, TIN Type, and Income Code that has reportable income on the 1099 Reporting Journal. The Offline 1099 Process will continue to select records from the 1099 Reporting Journal as long as the 1099 Journal as Input check box is set to true on the 1099P table.

After the process is executed in Testing mode, users should procedurally set the 1099 Journal as Input check box to false on the 1099P table. If this does not occur, the records on the 1099R and 1042R tables will be initialized and the 1099 Journal will be used as input. If the job is run in Magnetic Media mode with the 1099 Journal as Input checked there will only be records with the Processing Indicator of Magnetic Media on both 1099R and 1042R, all previous records will be deleted.

Once the process runs in Test, Forms, and/or Magnetic Media modes, procedurally any necessary corrections are applied to the current record on the 1099R, 1099ER, or 1042R tables.  Therefore, those tables are used as input for any further executions of the Offline 1099 Process as the 1099 Journal as Input check box must be set to false for Corrected Mode.  A new record is created on 1099R, 1099ER or 1042R for each record processed (based on the Processing Mode and Input criteria).  The only exception occurs when the input record has a Processing Indicator of New or Updated.  In this case, no new record is added, but instead the Generation Date and Processing Indicator are updated on the existing record.  If the Processing Indicator is New or Updated, multiple changes can be applied to the record using the Edit Reported Income link.

If the 1099-S Reporting indicator on 1099P is set to Property, 1099-S records will not be inserted onto 1099R by the Offline 1099 Process.  In this case, all of the 1099-S records must be added to 1099R manually using the 1099 Maintenance (M1099) transaction or directly onto the 1099R table using the Add New 1099 Reported Income link.  Each property added will be tracked by the 1099-S Form Number allowing multiple records for the same 1099 Reporting Payer, TIN and TIN Type for 1099-S forms. If the 1099-S Transactions by Vendor Report check box is selected, a report will be produced to aid in data entry of the 1099-S records. However, if the 1099-S Reporting indicator on 1099P is set to TIN/TIN Type then 1099-S records will be inserted onto 1099R by the Offline 1099 Process for each CY, 1099 Reporting Payer, TIN, TIN Type, Form Type, and 1099-S Form Number. If text is not provided in the Form 1099-S, Box 3 field on 1099RP, Box 3 of all 1099-S records will default to 0.00 unless sites manually update the address or property description for 1099-S, Box 3 to meet the IRS requirement for the 1099-S reporting.

The Last Processing Mode field on the 1099 Processing Parameters window indicates in what mode the Offline 1099 Process was previously executed.  This indicator is initially [spaces] and gets updated by the Offline 1099 process with the corresponding processing mode.  When the indicator is [spaces], the Offline 1099 process uses the 1099 Journal as input.  The Last Processing Mode also determines what Processing Mode the Offline 1099 Process can be executed is as follows:

Processing Mode

Last Processing Mode


[spaces] or Testing


[spaces] or Testing

Magnetic Media

[spaces], Testing, or Forms


Magnetic Media or Corrected

The Options and Controls tab contains settings that help control the 1099, Backup Withholding, 1042-S Withholding, and 3402(t) Contract Withholding functionality.

FieldsFields in this tab include:

  • The number of days specified in this field will be used as a selection criterion by the Initiate Backup Withholding process to select records from the 1099 Reporting Information table, for which the number of days since the 1st or 2nd “B” Notice was sent, is greater than or equal to the number of Compliance Days. The calculated date will exclude weekends and holidays as defined on CLDT table.

  • This field will also be used by the Print Backup Withholding Notices batch process during the record processing. This process populates the Backup Withholding Notice Printing History table with information about vendors, for which the 1st or 2nd “B” Notice has been generated. The number of days specified in the ‘Compliance Days’ field will be added to the Application Control Date and this date will be populated by the batch process in the ‘Compliance Date’ field on the BWNPH table. The calculated date will exclude weekends and holidays as defined on the CLDT table. The calculation will include a verification to ensure that the last prior business day is selected if the ‘Compliance Date’ falls on weekends and/or holidays.