Backup Withholding Record Date (BWRDI)

The Backup Withholding Record Date (BWRDI) inquiry enables you to search for and view information associated with backup withholding on the Backup Withholding History Daily Balance table. Amounts for each record on this table are summarized by the Record Date, Fund, Sub Fund, BSA and Sub BSA.  If the "Search FY" search criterion is used, each record returned by the search will also include summarization by the corresponding Fiscal Year.  

You may perform a search on this page by leaving all search fields blank; as there are no required fields in order to perform a search, and in doing so, the system will return all records that exist on the Backup Withholding History Daily Balance page.

The top grid will always be a single record; it shows the calculated grand total amounts for the entire set of records returned by the search. This tab consists of the following columns:

The bottom grid portion displays the listing of records returned by the search including these calculated amounts:

Grid-level Actions/Links

Row-level Actions/Links