Batch Jobs

The Batch jobs for tax reporting are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Financial Accounts Payable Run Sheets Guide.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

Backup Withholding History

This process will select applicable records associated with Backup withholding from the Accounting Journal and populate them in the Backup Withholding History Detail (BWNPH).

Accounts Payable

Initiate Backup Withholding

The process will flag selected Taxpayer records on the 1099I table as subject for Backup Withholding. The process will select applicable records from the 1099I table, for which the number of calendar days since the last B Notice was sent is greater than or equal to the number of Compliance Days (the number of Compliance Days is defined on 1099P table for the current Calendar Year).

In addition to updating appropriate records on the 1099I table, the batch process will generate a Backup Withholding Initialization Report. This report will lists all records selected from the 1099I and flagged as subjects to Backup Withholding (this means the report will reflect the state of the records after they have been updated by the Initiate Backup Withholding job).

Accounts Payable

IRS TIN/Name Match Extract

This process extracts Taxpayer ID information from vendor registration information so that it can be matched to IRS records using the IRS TIN/Name Match e-Service. This job selects all eligible records from 1099I where the Taxpayer ID and TIN Type are populated and the Send to IRS and 1099 or 1042-S Reportable flags are checked. When completed, it will set to the Send to IRS flag to unchecked.

Accounts Payable

IRS TIN/Name Match Update

This process updates entries on the 1099 Reporting Information (1099I) table based on the IRS TIN/Name Match Status file that is returned from the IRS TIN/Name Match e-service.

Accounts Payable

IRS Transmittal File Generation

This process generates the transmittal files required for electronic filing of 1099, 1098, and 1042-S tax information with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Additionally, the IRS Transmittal File Generation batch process will produce an IRS Transmittal File report listing summary information from the generated IRS Transmittal Files.

Accounts Payable

Offline 1099 Process

The Offline 1099 process consolidates vendor income by predetermined criteria and generates IRS form and data files that can then be imported into the Forms tables or a third party tool to generate 1099-A, 1099-C, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099INT, 1099-G, 1099-R, 1099-S and 1042-S forms as well as the IRS Transmittal file.

Accounts Payable

Offline 1098 Process

The Offline 1098 Process, processes the entities fines, penalties, and other amounts paid and eligible education institution to report interests, reimbursement for the students by predetermined criteria and generates IRS form data files. The files can be used by third party tools or can be used by the Advantage Tax Reporting process to load the files into the Forms Reporting tables to print 1098-F and 1098-T forms as well as transmit to the IRS.

Accounts Payable

Tax Form Printing

This process allows you to print IRS tax forms for data captured in Advantage Financial for tax forms supported by Advantage.

Accounts Payable