CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The Tax Reporting area includes several reports, which are listed in the below table. For detailed information on the reports, refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Financial Accounts Payable Run Sheets Guide.

Report Name


1099 Miscellaneous Vendor Report

The 1099 Miscellaneous Vendor Report details Miscellaneous Vendor records on the 1099 Journal that contain reportable income and no TIN information. This report will allow a site to audit these transactions and manually process corrections to the 1099 Reported Income table to issue forms to these vendors if they choose to do so.  

1099-S Transactions by Vendor Report

The 1099-S Transactions by Vendor Report is created by the Offline 1099 Process when it is run in Testing, Magnetic Media, Corrections and Report modes to list all 1099-S transactions. This report will generate when the 1099-S Reporting indicator is set to ‘Property’ and 1099-S transactions have to be added to 1099R manually.

1099 Exception Report

The 1099 Exception Report is created by the Offline 1099 Process and displays duplicate input records. Records with the same Calendar Year, TIN, Form Type, and 1099 Payer are written to the 1099 Exception Report along with the message, “Duplicate record exists on 1099R table.” Records that are displayed on this report require research to verify if the records are incorrect and if manual correction is needed.

1042-S Exception Report

The 1042-S Exception Report is created by the Offline 1099 Process and displays records that do not pass 1042-S validations. These records are still written to the 1042R table. The report is necessary so a determination can be made if any changes were made to the setup during the reporting period.

Backup Withholding Summary Report By Reporting Period

This report provides summary information by date for all backup withholding offset amounts within a given date range.

Backup Withholding Detail Report By TIN

The Withholding Detail by TIN report provides detail information by Taxpayer Identification Number and 1099 Form Type for all backup withholding offsets within a specified date range.

Backup Withholding Detail Report By Accounting Distribution

This report provides detail information by accounting distribution for all backup withholding offsets within a specified date range.  

Contract Withholding Detail Report by Accounting Distribution

This report provides detail information by accounting distribution for all contract withholding offsets within a specified date range. This information is used as an organization’s Contract Withholding offset activity audit trail. The report job reads the 1099 Journal for posting pair K.

Contract Withholding Detail Report by Tax Identification Number (TIN)

This report provides detail information by TIN for all contract withholding offsets within a specified date range. The report job reads the 1099 Journal for posting pair ‘K’.

This report is used as a vendor Contract Withholding offset activity audit trail.

Contract Withholding Summary Report by Reporting Period

This report provides summary information by date for all 3402(t) Contract Withholding offset amounts within a given date range. The report reads the 1099 Journal as input. This report is used for providing information relating to remittance schedule to the (IRS) Internal Revenue Service. The report is sorted by Transaction Record Date.

IRS Transmittal Report (1099)

This report is generated by the IRS Transmittal File Generation process. This report lists summary information from the generated 1099 IRS Transmittal Files.

IRS Transmittal Report (1042-S)

This report is generated by the IRS Transmittal File Generation process. This report lists summary information from the generated 1042-S IRS Transmittal Files.

Tax Form Printing Processing

This report is generated by the Tax Forms Printing process when it is run in Offline Mode. This report lists the tax form reporting data captured by Form Type and Reporting Payer.

Upload 1099 External Reported Income Exception Report

The Upload 1099 External Reported Income Exception Report is created by the Upload 1099 External Reported Income Process and displays duplicate input records. Records with the same Calendar Year, TIN, Form Type, and Reporting Payer are written to the Upload 1099 External Reported Income Exception Report. Records that are displayed on this report require research to verify if the records are incorrect and if manual correction is needed.