Recommended Sequence for 1099 Job Execution

There are several batch jobs or chain jobs used for tax reporting. Please refer to the Accounts Payable Run Sheets Guide to get a better understanding of each job. Below is the recommended sequence. Depending on your procedure, it may deviate from the below.

Tax Reporting Sites:

  1. Run Offline 1099 Process in Report Mode (1099 Journal as Input = True) (Optional) – only produces reports selected on the 1099P page

  2. Run Offline 1099 Process in Testing Mode (1099 Journal as Input = True) optional but highly recommended to do preliminary review

  1. Run Upload 1099ER Reported Income chain process, if needed, to load external 1099 taxpayer data to 1099ER table.

  2. Run Offline 1099 Process in Forms mode (1099 Journal as Input = False if already executed in Testing mode) – Optional step to allow for additional review and make changes. Some sites typically skip this mode.

  1. Make corrections (Amount/TIN/Name/Address) directly on the “R” tables or process an M1099 transaction (M1099 is only available for 1099R records). Changed records will create a new version with Processing Indicator = Updated.

  2. Insert new records to the “R” tables if necessary. Newly inserted records will have a Processing Indicator = New. M1099 transaction can also be used to add new records on 1099R.

  1. Run Offline 1099 Process in Magnetic Media (MM) Mode (1099 Journal as Input = False if already executed in Testing or Forms mode). Required mode. This mode is also necessary to run the Offline 1099 Process in Corrected mode.

  1. Run the Forms Table Load Chain job. The first run will load original records to the Form Reporting tables (F1099A, F1099C, F1099G, F1099I, F1099M, F1099R, F1099S, and F1042S). Records are inserted on these Form Reporting tables based on Consolidation option set on TAXOPT.

  2. Run the Tax Form Printing job to print original forms in bulk. On demand, online printing can be made directly from the form reporting pages.

  3. Run the IRS Transmittal File Generation job to generate files of original form data. This step can be skipped if your site is not transmitting forms data until a later date. The Transmission Type will indicate the type of record (original vs corrected) being transmitted to the IRS.

  4. Make corrections or add new records as needed on ‘R’ tables (or using the M1099 transaction)

Note: There are restrictions to process corrections if records were consolidated. Please refer to the “Corrections Processing” or “1099 Business Tasks” topic in this guide for more details.

  1. Run Offline 1099 Process in Corrected Mode (1099 Journal as Input = False, Correction Processing = True)

  1. Text files are produced ONLY for ‘New’ or ‘Updated’ records after running in Magnetic Media mode (for example, if 10 records were corrected and 3 were inserted then the file would contain 13 records).

  1. Run the Forms Table Load Chain job to load the corrected/new records

  1. Run the Tax Form Printing job to print corrected/new records

  1. IRS Transmittal File Generation of corrected/new records.

  1. Steps 9-13 can be repeated as necessary.

Non-Tax Reporting Site Sequence

  1. Run Offline 1099 Process in Report Mode (1099 Journal as Input = True) (Optional) ) – only produces reports selected on the 1099P page

  2. Run Offline 1099 Process in Testing Mode (1099 Journal as Input = True) optional but highly recommended

  1. Run Upload 1099ER Reported Income chain process if needed to load external 1099 taxpayer data to 1099ER table.

  2. Run Offline 1099 Process in Forms mode (1099 Journal as Input = False) – Optional step to allow for additional review and make changes

  1. Make corrections (Amount/TIN/Name/Address) directly on the “R” tables or with the M1099 transaction (M1099 is only available for 1099R records). Changed records will create a new version with Processing Indicator = Updated.

  2. Insert new records to the “R” tables if necessary. Newly inserted records will have a Processing Indicator = New. M1099 transaction can also be used to add new records on 1099R.

  1. Run Offline 1099 Process in Magnetic Media (MM) Mode (1099 Journal as Input = False). This mode is necessary to run the Offline 1099 Process in Corrected mode. Files produced in the Report Output folder can be used by third party reporting tools.

  1. Make corrections or add new records as needed on ‘R’ tables (or using the M1099 transaction)

  1. Run Offline 1099 Process in Corrected Mode (1099 Journal as Input = False, Correction Processing = True). Files produced will include corrected and new records.

  1. Steps 6 & 7 can be repeated as necessary.