Tax Form Options and Parameters (TAXOPT)

The Tax Form Options and Parameters (TAXOPT) page is used by the Advantage Tax Reporting process to control processing for each of the Form Types for the specified tax year. For each Form Type for a given tax year, you can define the following:

Example 1: If printing Form Type 1099-MISC and user chose to print 2 forms per page with no instructions and only chosen two copies (that is, B & 2) then it will not achieve 2 forms per page. On page 1, the mailing address will be printed on the top section and Copy B will be printed on the bottom section of the page; on page 2, Copy 2 will be printed. Due to the size of Form Type 1099-MISC, two copies cannot be printed at the bottom section of page 1.

Example 2: For 1099-MISC, Copy 1, B, and C were selected with 2 forms per page and no instructions. On page 1, the mailing address will be printed on the top section and Copy 1 will be printed on the bottom section of the page; on page 2, Copy B and Copy C will be printed.

The options for online printing and setting default values for the parameters can be made on the Online Tax Form Printing Parameters page.

Online Tax Form Printing Parameters page

The Online Tax Form Printing Parameters page obtains these values from TAXOPT:

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