Those transactions that record accounting events all contain this tab. On the internal accounting transactions, the tab will go by a different name.
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Required? |
Field Description |
Event Type |
Required |
A required value for the specification of an Event Type to derive settings for information requirements, edits, and postings. There are multiple methods of defaulting the only, the correct, or the most common Event Type. For a description of the delivered event types allowed for a Transaction Type, please refer to the topics under "Accounting Model Delivered Configuration" in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide. |
Accounting Template |
Optional |
An optional field for entering an Accounting Template from which chart of account values a limited number of other fields will be inferred. When using the pick, the initial filter is based on the Transaction Department, but that value can be changed to view templates of other departments. |
Line Description |
Conditionally Required |
An optional field to record a short description for an accounting line for reporting and identification purposes. This description is written to the accounting journals. The field can be required per Transaction Control setup. |
Line Amount |
Required |
A required amount to be used in the creation of one or more posting lines based on the Event Type value entered and the associated Event Category of that Event Type. The amount can be positive, negative, or zero if desired. If positive, postings will be generated as defined for the Event Type in terms of debits and credits. If a negative amount is entered, those postings will be reversed. If zero is entered on version 1 of a transaction, there will be no postings generated. On a modification to an existing line, enter the amount the accounting line should be and the application will determine the delta amount to post. When performing a reference to another transaction, the Closed Amount of that referenced line will control the Line Amount when the Reference Type is Partial or Final by using of one or more of the optional tolerance tables. When the Reference Type is Inverse, the Closed Amount of the referenced line will also control the Line Amount, but tolerance tables are not used. Memo references are usually not controlled, but there are exceptions detailed in different user guides. Refer to the "Referencing" topic in the Financial Administration User Guide provides more details on referencing. |
Line Closed Amount |
Calculated |
A system calculated amount that is the sum of all liquidation posting lines that referenced the accounting line. When the amount equals the Line Amount, the accounting line is considered closed. |
Line Closed Date |
System Set |
A system calculated date that is the Application Date that the Line Closed Amount was set to equal the Line Amount. This date is most often set by subsequent transactions, but can even be set by a modification of the current transaction where the Line Amount was set to equal the Closed Amount or a cancellation action was performed. |
Line Open Amount |
Calculated |
A system calculated amount that is the Actual Amount minus the Closed Amount for the given line. |
Referenced Line Amount |
Calculated |
A system calculated amount that is the sum of all Line Amounts from referencing transactions (Partial, Final, and Inverse reference types). When this amount is less than the Line Closed Amount and the Line Closed Date is populated, the accounting line has been closed short in that all accounting impacts from it have been liquidated but subsequent accounting was for a lesser total. When this amount exceeds the Closed Amount, the accounting line has been over-referenced in that all accounting impacts have been liquidated and subsequent accounting was for a greater total. Tolerance edits can prevent both situations from occurring if desired. |
Budget FY |
Optional |
An optional field for entering a budget fiscal year (BFY) value when the current budget fiscal year or the Budget FY entered on the header should not be used for an accounting line. |
Fiscal Year |
Optional |
An optional field for entering a fiscal year (FY) value when the current fiscal year or the Fiscal Year entered on the header should not be used for an accounting line. |
Period |
Optional |
An optional field for entering an accounting period (APD) value when the current accounting period or the Period entered on the header should not be used for an accounting line. |
Bank |
Optional |
An optional field for entering a code that represents a bank account when recording a cash event or preparing to record a cash event. The field is required or prohibited based on Event Type Requirement settings for the event type being used. If not entered, the field will default to any value entered on the header in the Bank field there. If that field is also left blank, the system will default the Bank field from the Fund reference page using the Fund and Fiscal Year of the accounting line. |
Related ActionsRelated Actions
Posting – This link opens a window revealing any posting lines created for an accounting line.