Action Bar

Directly beneath the Information Tabs and before any information for a tab is given lies an area that shifts depending on the type of transaction component.

  • Header – A button for adding, updating, reviewing, or deleting attachments to the Header only exists to the far right. Next to it would be the Tab Level Action menu (three vertical dots) if there are actions or navigations from the Header. If neither exists, the menu does not appear.

  • Summary – This special type of tab does not display anything in the Action bar.

  • One Record Component – A button adding, reviewing, or deleting attachments to the header only exists to the far right. Next to it would be the Tab Level Action menu (three vertical dots) if there are actions or navigations from the Header. If neither exists, the menu does not appear.

If this tab is a child to another, then on the far left is a chevron for each hierarchical level above. If the level above has more than one record, then the chevron link is activated to open a ‘parent pick’.

  • Multi Record Component – This type of tab is identical to the One Record Component except that there is no Attachment button as that capability is indicated at the record level.