Create a Transaction

Transactions can be created in CGI Advantage in many different ways. This topic provides instructions on how to create transactions using the following methods:

  • Create a Transaction from Transaction Catalog - In Create mode, you can use the Transaction Catalog to create a new transaction.

  • Create a Transaction Template - Most transactions (that is, transactions that can be created from the Transaction Catalog) in CGI Advantage can be created as templates to assist in future transaction creation. Transaction templates share the same structure and data entry fields as real transactions, but no processing of the data is allowed. That is, they always remain in the template phase. To create a Transaction Template, follow the steps in the "Create a Transaction from Transaction Catalog" topic; however, select the Create Template check box before selecting the Continue button.

  • Copy an Existing Transaction - If you need to create a transaction that contains data similar to an existing transaction of the same type, you can save time in creating the new transaction by copying the existing transaction and then making changes to the copied version.

  • Copy Forward from a Transaction - Allows you to copy pertinent information from an existing transaction into a new Transaction Type whose purpose is to reference or liquidate the source transaction. 

  • Establish Future Transaction Trigger - allows you to set up, maintain and trigger the creation of transactions in the future on a user-defined frequency.

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