Transaction Archive Catalog
This page allows you to restore Advantage transactions that have been archived and to view PDF versions of the archived transactions. To restore a transaction, select Restore from the transaction's row-level menu. The transaction is returned to the Transaction Catalog after it has been restored successfully. You can restore more than one transaction at a time by selecting the check box for each transaction you want restored. Then select Restore from the Grid Actions menu.
Authorized users can view a PDF version of a transaction that is listed on the Transaction Archive Catalog without restoring the transaction first. Select View from the transaction's row-level menu. This action opens the selected transaction in PDF format. If the transaction contains attachments, then the PDF file of the transaction and the attachments are included in a zip file. Download the zip file and extract all files in the zip file. Open the transaction's PDF file to view the contents. Links are included within the appropriate sections to the attachment for that section. If there is more than one attachment for a section of a transaction, then a link is provided to a zip file that contains all of the attachments for that section.
Note: If a transaction is purged instead of archived, the transaction will not appear in this catalog. Refer to the Transaction Archiving topic in this user guide for more information.
Refer to the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide for additional information about archiving transactions.