Transaction Comments

Transaction comments can be added to transactions in any transaction phase. You may also attach files as supporting documentation or notes to the transaction comments by using the Attachments link. Users with access to view the transaction can view the comments, but security is required to add comments and attach items to comments.

Comments and Comment Attachments are associated with a specific transaction version, and are archived/unarchived, exported/imported with the transaction version. Once a comment is created, it cannot be modified or deleted, except through the Transaction Comment Management page. The one exception is when a transaction is discarded, the comments associated with the transaction are also deleted. If a version of a transaction is deleted through archival, only comments associated with that version are deleted. When creating a new transaction from a template, comments associated with the transaction template are not copied into the new transaction.

The Transaction Comments page can be accessed by selecting the Comments link on the transaction-level menu or from the Add Comment icon in the Smart Menu. If a comment exists for a transaction then a red circle appears above the Add Comment icon in the Smart Menu.

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