Transaction Feedback

When you select the Save, Validate, or Submit actions, CGI Advantage performs a series of edit checks on your transaction. If it encounters any issues or if the Validate or Save action is successful, details are displayed in the System Feedback ribbon that will appear beneath the Page Title Bar. On the far left is a box for each message severity proceeded by an ‘ALL’ box that gives the total count:

Initially all errors are presented in the horizontal bar that allows for one line of the short message to be displayed. The successive boxes filter the horizontal bar by severity. On the far right are a pair of icons (Previous and Next) for navigating within a group of short error messages. The last icon is the Show All Messages along with Details icon that opens a panel from the right that allows you to review all the details of a message and search across messages.

Overriding an Error Message

Those error messaged defined as an Override Error have an associated override level defined to them that requires a user to apply an override of that level or higher in order to get the transaction to proceed. System configuration for each transaction code can have three settings for applying overrides on transactions with workflow established: