Transaction Message

The Transaction Message (DOCMSG) page allows you to search for and view transaction messages that have been added by the Transaction Message Load batch job. The Transaction Message Load batch job extracts transaction messages that are associated with transactions included in the parameters set for the batch job and adds them to the Transaction Message page. The Transaction Message Load batch job can also remove error messages that have been fixed on a transaction. Please refer to the "Transaction Message Update" run sheet in the Utilities Run Sheets Guide for more information about this job.

Transaction message information can be searched to determine:

Enter search criteria for a specific transaction message by entering values into one or more of the search fields. You can then navigate to the transaction that contains the message by clicking the link in the Transaction column in the grid. If a transaction failed on import due to errors, then the error message is added to the Transaction Message page, even though the transaction does not exist in Advantage. Therefore, if you click the transaction hyperlink an error is received that the transaction does not exist.

Once an error has been fixed for a transaction and is no longer reported after validating or submitting the transaction, then an authorized user must run the Transaction Message Load batch job. Assuming the parameters for the job are set to include the selected transaction, the previously reported error is removed from the Transaction Message page.