Transaction Schedule
The Transaction Schedule page allows a user to schedule a System Maintenance Utility job to perform an action on a particular transaction at a given time and date. This page also allows a user to view the status of that job and see any errors that may have been issued. Refer to the “Transaction Actions” topic for more information on each of the different actions that can be taken for a transaction. For more information on each sub action, please see the respective functional area to which the sub action applies in the corresponding user guides. Additional information on sub actions can be found in the page help for the transactions where the action can be taken.
Users do not need special batch security to schedule a transaction action, even though the System Maintenance Utility job is being used. This is because the actions that can be taken are all available from within a transaction or on the Transaction Catalog. The Transaction Schedule page just allows a user to set an action to occur and then forget about it, letting the system perform the action when the time arrives.
The System Maintenance jobs created will not be assigned to any particular batch server, but will be placed in a general pool of jobs selected by a batch server that selects jobs not assigned directly to it. Care should be taken to establish this batch server as one that uses the Application Date from the Application Parameter table, or the System Date on the server itself. The difference being that the Application Date does not move forward until the Begin Day batch job is run or the Application Parameter record is changed online.