Upload the Spreadsheet to Advantage

The Upload Transaction Spreadsheet page allows you to upload spreadsheets that have been populated with required information to create one or more transactions. The page can be accessed by selecting the Upload Spreadsheet action via the page level menu on the Upload Transaction Spreadsheet page.  

File Data is a required field that allows you to select the transaction upload spreadsheet that contains transaction information for creating new transactions in Advantage. Select the Browse button to search for and select the desired file or you can drag and drop the file. You must also populate the Transaction Code field with the Transaction Code that should be used to create the transactions in the selected Spreadsheet File. You can optionally select the available check boxes on this page.

Once you have populated the required fields, select the Upload action. If errors occur, then the following message is displayed: “The spreadsheet has errors and needs to be rectified”. If the upload is successful, then the following message is displayed: “The Spreadsheet uploaded successfully”. The Upload Transaction Spreadsheet page lists the status of all spreadsheets that have been uploaded to Advantage.