Taxable Expense Trigger (TAXET)
The Taxable Expense Trigger page is most often automatically populated by the expense reports and advances when a taxable expense is entered. An example of an automatic taxable expense could be lodging expenses that exceed the Lodging Per Diem Rate multiplied by the Lodging Percentage on Travel Administration. In this case, a separate Trip Detail line should be created in the expense report for the excess amount and the Taxable Expense indication should be true.
There are situations where it is updated manually by those with adequate security. An example of a manual taxable event could be an outstanding unused travel advance that the traveler has not paid back and is now considered as taxable income. Here the Traveler ID is required and a selected Trip Detail Line Number. All other information is inferred from the advance.
Records are eventually processed by the Taxable Travel Expenses and Advances process in Advantage HRM. Records are deleted once they have been processed successfully.