Taxable Expense Trigger (TAXET)

The Taxable Expense Trigger (TAXET) page can be automatically populated by the Travel Expense Report (TRER) transaction when a taxable expense is entered, or it can be updated manually.

Records are created in the TAXET table for expenses and advances that are considered taxable. For example, your site may consider lodging expenses to be taxable if they exceed the lodging per diem rate multiplied by the Lodging Percentage defined on the Travel Administration (TRADM) table. In that case, a separate Trip Details line should be created in your TRER transaction for the excess amount and the Taxable Expense flag should be checked within that Trip Details line. The TRER transaction updates TAXET automatically if the Trip Details line has the Taxable Expense flag checked. If entering records manually on this table (for example, there is an outstanding unused travel advance that the traveler has not paid back and this amount should now be considered as taxable income), you can populate the Traveler ID field, and then select a record from the Trip Detail Line Number pick list. All other fields are automatically inferred from the Travel Advance (TRADV) transaction, based on the Trip Detail Line Number selected.

The records added on this table are then processed by the Taxable Travel Expenses and Advances chain job in Advantage HRM. The records are automatically deleted from TAXET once they have been processed successfully by the Taxable Travel Expenses and Advances chain job.