Travel and Expense Landing (TRVLLP – FTRVLLP)
These landing pages are available to assist travelers not familiar with Advantage because of limited interaction with only travel and possibly timesheets. The page serves as both an inquiry page and a means to create transactions in the wizard format for authorizations and expense reports. The page also allows proxy users access to those travelers managed.
View a list of upcoming trips
View/edit/create Travel Authorizations
View/edit/create Travel Expense Reports
View a list of pending payments
The Travel and Expense landing pages are initially filtered based on the User ID of the logged in user. However, in a Financial only site, if a traveler has a proxy, then that proxy can see the traveler’s information. For a Dual site, an employee’s manager can see the traveler’s information. If a user has access to view information for other travelers, then the icon should be selected, which allows selection of another traveler.
Upcoming TripsUpcoming Trips
All upcoming trips for the selected traveler are listed (that is, authorizations for which the trip’s start is today or a future date). Actions of View, Edit, and Copy are available to interact with items in the listing.
Travel AuthorizationsTravel Authorizations
All authorizations for the selected traveler are listed. Actions of View, Edit, and Copy are available to interact with items in the listing along with options to create a new authorization from scratch and to create an expense report from an authorization.
Expense ReportsExpense Reports
All expense reports are listed for the selected traveler. Actions of View, Edit, and Copy are available to interact with items in the listing along with an option to create a new expense report from scratch.
Pending PaymentsPending Payments
Any pending payments to a traveler for an advance or expense report are listed for the selected traveler.