Travel Hold (TRHLD)

The Travel Hold (TRHLD) page allows Travel Administrators to restrict a traveler from performing specific actions in the Travel and Expense Management system. A traveler is specified in the Traveler ID field, which can be populated by selecting from a pick list that is populated by either the Employee Assignment table (for dual HRM/Financial sites) or the Vendor/Customer (VCUST) table (for Financial-only sites). The date that the restriction begins must be entered in the Effective From field. If the restriction should end on a specific date, then you can populate the Effective To field. You cannot have more than one record for a specific traveler with dates that overlap. The system will also not allow another record to be saved if there is already an existing record for the same Traveler ID where Effective From is populated but Effective To is blank.   

If you want to restrict the traveler from performing specific actions, then select one or more of the following flags:

You must also enter the reason that the traveler has the selected restriction(s) in the Reason field.