Trip Cancellations

There are different reasons for a cancellation.

  • Cancellation a transaction when it should not have been created in the first place. Here the trip was never really an intended event.

  • Cancelling a transaction that was approved but with enough incorrect data that it would justify the cancellation and creation of a new transaction.

  • Cancelling because an intended event was called off or cancelled. Here a modification draft of the travel transaction is created instead of a cancellation draft. The Canceled Trip indication is set to true on that modification. This occurs when there is a legitimate previously approved Travel Authorization that was subsequently canceled prior to the trip taking place. This action is only allowed on an authorization. If the authorization that has been partially or completely closed by an expense report, the trip cannot be canceled. Once cancelled in this manner the transaction cannot be modified, cancelled, or referenced.

When a trip cancellation (either type) is performed, the following occurs:

  • The system will not perform the edits that would normally be validated for New and Modification versions of that transaction (for example, validating that the Expense Type is valid, validating amount fields, and so forth).

  • The system updates Trip Detail (TRIPD) but does not delete existing records.

  • If an expense report is canceled, a referenced authorization is reopened and any Vendor Invoice Registry record(s) are deleted.

  • If an authorization is canceled and it had previously system-generated an advance or expense report, the system automatically creates and submits cancellation versions of those related transactions. If either of those has been paid out the cancellation TRAUTH will not be allowed.

  • A reason for the modification or cancellation in the Reason for Modification field on the Header may be required if the Modification Reason Required indication is true for the particular transaction code on Transaction Control (DCTRL).