Bank Management
Although bank accounts are used throughout Accounts Payable and Receivable, their definition and management are part of the treasury function. Bank accounts are used throughout Advantage whenever a cash balance sheet account is used because that cash has to be associated with a bank account. Bank definition starts with the Bank page. Most bank accounts established there are then associated to a particular fund code on the Fund page as the defaulting value, if another is not selected. Controlling what other bank accounts can be used with a fund or other COA such as department can be done through a Configurable Validation (BORULE) or a COA Combination Validation page.
For sites that have multiple bank accounts used by different funds and departments, there is often the need to move monies between those various accounts to cover spending and make the cash available for investing. While this can be a manual task using wire transfer features available with individual banks, there is often the need to make that process an automated one. There are two methods of automation where one or both can be used.