Basic/Advanced Treasury
When using the basic version of treasury, investment purchases and sales are recorded with an Investment Journal Voucher (JVIN) transaction whether entered manually, uploaded, or interfaced from an external investment system. It is up to your implementation how many different balance sheet accounts, and possibly sub balance sheet accounts, will be used to break out the type of investment for reporting purposes. Individual investments are tracked outside of CGI Advantage for information such as the number of shares and the stock symbol, but all stock purchases are likely to be recorded in a single balance sheet account (or sub).
As earnings and amortizations of discounts, premiums, and accrued interest occur, the Pool Fund Investment Earnings (PFIE) is used to record those events. These events are then recorded on the Cash Collection Inquiry (CCOL) for a later allocation done with the Income Allocation system process or outside of Advantage.
The advanced version of treasury has purchases and sales/redemptions recorded with an Investment (INVEST) transaction. Earnings and amortizations are recorded with an Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transaction. Unlike the PFIE, this transaction does not update CCOL. Allocations are done externally to Advantage. When the INVEST and INVEARN transactions are submitted, each accounting line is recorded on the Investment Activity Journal (INVACTV) page. Additionally, an Investment Activity report is available to validate activity and current balances on the Investment Activity Journal. For investments that have reached maturity, the Matured Investment Process chain can be utilized to automatically generate INVEST transactions to record the sale or redemption of the matured investments.