Cash Sweep

Cash Sweep (SWEEP) is the page where participant accounts within an investment pool are associated with that pool along with a number of settings about their participation. If a field is self-explanatory (e.g. Fiscal Year) or was covered in a previous section, it is not covered in the table below.



Participatory Fund Department Account

Each participatory account must have a department specified that is used by the Income Allocation system  process when creating accounting lines to record the allocated share of investment income to the participant.

Participatory Fund Unit Account

Each participatory account must have a unit specified that is used by the Income Allocation system process when creating accounting lines to record the allocated share of investment income to the participant.

Required Balance

In the evaluation of whether or not there is cash to sweep, the Required Balance is used to define a minimum balance that should not be swept. This balance defaults as $0.00, which will cause the application to sweep all available cash. If some reserve cash is to be maintained, then that amount should be entered as the Required Balance.

Sweep Status

The Sweep Status controls how the Sweep and Income Allocation system processes will handle the participatory account.

  • Active - Records with this status are considered for both processes in a ‘normal’ fashion.

  • Closed by User - This status will result in a "reverse" cash sweep during the Cash Sweep Process for positive account balances on Pool History. The Income Allocation system process will continue to allocate interest to a record with this status if the income is recorded for a period of time where the participant has cash in the pool. This option is used when a participant continues to be considered for allocation for days the participant invested in the pool. However, the participant no longer contributes to the pool until the status is changed back to ‘Active’.

  • Inactivated - This status is set by the application on records found with a Status of ‘Closed by User’ by the Cash Sweep system process. The Income Allocation system process will continue to allocate interest to a record with this status if the income is recorded for a period of time where the participant has cash in the pool. The participant no longer contributes to the pool until the status is changed back to ‘Active’.

  • Deactivated by User - This status will result in a "reverse" cash sweep during the Cash Sweep system process for positive account balances on Pool History. The Income Allocation system process will not allocate interest income to a participant account with this status. This option is used when a participant is considered closed and should not be considered by anymore processing activity. The participant no longer contributes to the pool until the Status is changed back to ‘Active’.

  • No Updates Allowed - This status is set by the application on records found with the status of ‘Deactivated by User’ by the Cash Sweep system process. The Income Allocation system process will not allocate interest income to a participant account with this Status. The participant no longer contributes to the pool until the status is changed back to ‘Active’.

External Participant Vendor Code

For those participants that are external parties to the CGI Advantage application, the participant account needs a valid vendor code if the participant is to be paid their share of investment earnings instead of having them reinvested.

If disbursing income, the Participant Cash BSA and Sub BSA should be the default cash account for the default Bank of that Participant Fund (as defined on the Fund reference page) so that the disbursement of investment income is made from the same Bank and balance sheet account to where money is deposited for the participant.

External Participant Address ID

For those participants that are external parties and disbursements of income earned are to be recorded with each income allocation, a valid payment address for the Vendor is required.

Participatory Fund Department Account

Each participatory account must have a department specified that is used by the Income Allocation process when creating accounting lines to record the allocated share of investment income to the participant. This field can be configured for row-level security and row filtering.

Features: Cash Pooling, Income Allocation