Investment Chart of Accounts Reference (INVCOA)

The Investment Chart of Accounts Reference (INVCOA) page is designed to set rules for automatically determining various Chart of Account (COA) elements during principal (purchase/sale) and earnings investment transactions for each investment account.

When a transaction is entered with an Investment Account, Source Fund, and Source Sub Fund that match those listed in the General Information section of a record on the INVCOA page, the system will automatically infer the appropriate COA elements for the transaction from that matching record.

  • For an Investment (INVEST) transaction, that records purchases or sales, COA elements under the 'Principal' section will be inferred.

  • For an Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transaction, COA elements under the 'Earnings' section will be inferred.

This process ensures that the correct COA elements are applied based on the specific type of investment transaction being processed.

General InformationGeneral Information

Field Name


Field Description

Fiscal Year


Fiscal Year associated with the Date of Purchase for the specific investment.

Investment Account


Investment Account defined on the Investment Account (INVACCT) page used for the specific investment.


Source Fund


This field represents the Source Fund designated on the investment transaction's accounting line. Alongside the Investment Account, it is used to identify a corresponding record on the Investment Chart of Accounts Reference (INVCOA) page. When a matching record is found, the system automatically infers relevant details based on the transaction's sub type.

Source Sub Fund


This field represents the Source Sub Fund designated on the investment transaction's accounting line. Alongside the Investment Account, it is used to identify a corresponding record on the Investment Chart of Accounts Reference (INVCOA) page. When a matching record is found, the system automatically infers relevant details based on the transaction's sub type.

If left blank, then on save ‘BLNK’ will be inferred.

Principal SectionPrincipal Section

Field Name


Field Description

Principal Fund


Fund to be inferred onto Investment (INVEST) transactions when recording a purchase or sale/redemption.

Principal Sub Fund


Sub Fund to be inferred onto Investment (INVEST) transactions when recording a purchase or sale/redemption.

Principal Bank Account


Bank Account to be inferred onto Investment (INVEST) transactions when recording a purchase or sale/redemption.

Principal Department


Department to be inferred onto Investment (INVEST) transactions when recording a purchase or sale/redemption.

Principal Accounting Template


Accounting Template to be inferred onto Investment (INVEST) transactions when recording a purchase or sale/redemption with other COA than just Fund, Sub Fund, and Department.

Earnings SectionEarnings Section

Field Name


Field Description

Earnings Fund


Fund to be inferred onto Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transactions when recording earnings.

Earnings Sub Fund


Sub Fund to be inferred onto Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transactions when recording earnings.

Earnings Bank Account


Bank Account to be inferred onto Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transactions when recording earnings.

Earnings Department


Department to be inferred onto Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transactions when recording earnings.

Revenue Source


Revenue Source to be inferred onto Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transactions when recording earnings.

Earnings Accounting Template


Accounting Template to be inferred onto Investment Earnings (INVEARN) transactions when recording earnings with other COA than just Fund, Sub Fund, Department, and Revenue Source.

Features: Advanced treasury