Record Investment Earnings

To complete a Pool Fund Investment Earnings transaction for recording investment earnings, perform these steps:

  1. Complete the HeaderHeader tab.

    1. No particular Header field is mandatory nor is any required for this task.  However, Transaction Name or Transaction Description can be conditionally required with the Transaction Control (DCTRL) reference page.

    2. If the current Application Date should not be used, then manually enter the correct date in the Record Date field.

    3. If the default Fiscal Year should not be used, then manually enter the correct year,

    4. If the default Accounting Period should not be used, then manually enter the correct accounting period.

  2. Complete the AccountingAccounting tab.

    1. Leave the Event Type blank to default.

    2. Enter the amount of cash received as investment income in the Cash Amount field.

    3. Complete the Investment ID field with information your site has decided that will track investments.

    4. If today was not the day the cash was received, enter the date it was received in the Collect Date. If today was the day it was received, you can skip the field as it will default.

    5. Enter the From Date the investment earning period started. This information is commonly found on the statement from the financial institution.

    6. Enter the To Date the investment earning period ended. This information is commonly found on the statement from the financial institution.

    7. Leave the Bank field to default.

    8. Enter/select the pool fund that owns the investment in the Fund field and Sub Fund field if necessary.

  3. Take the Validate action to infer information while also validating for errors.

  4. Take the Submit action to submit the transaction.