Business Role Type Conditions

Workflow conditions can be setup for the following transactions based on the business role type a user is utilizing to submit the transaction. Each of the transactions contains a Role Type (ROLE_TYPE) column where the valid options are E (employee), M (manager), and blank (all other business role types). In order to use this functionality, IWF06, IWF07, and IWF08 should be updated accordingly. For IWF06, an entry is needed, per transaction, with the Component as the DOC_HDR table name and the Field as ROLE_TYPE. For IWF07, an entry is needed for specific conditions as desired. For example, if an Employee Business Role is required for workflow but other roles are not, the Operator field needs to be set to =. This makes it so that only Employee Business Roles are required to go through workflow for the defined transaction. For IWF08, set the condition(s) as setup on IWF07.