Enhanced Supervisor Enabled Workflow

Transactions in HRM, except Group Timesheet (TIMEG), can be routed to an employee’s supervisor for whom the transaction is submitted for or the submitter’s supervisor depending upon site setup when the transactions are initially routed to a workflow role via Manage Approval Rules (IWF08).

This functionality can be enabled using the WF_HRM_CUST_APPRV_ROUTER parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page. Once enhanced workflow is enabled, a user must enter a workflow role for the WF_DRECT_TO_SUPR parameter on the Application Parameter page that is valid on Manage Workflow Roles (IWF01). Supervisor information is initially retrieved using the submitter’s details unless overridden using the WF_DIRECT_TO_EMPL_SUPR_EVEN_IF_NOT_SUBM parameter on the Application Parameter page.

Workflow will perform a look up if an override supervisor is included on a Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction to retrieve supervisor information, if no override is mentioned then the system will perform a look up to retrieve supervisor information from Position. If no supervisor information is retrieved for both employee or the submitter, then the transaction will be placed in the workflow role’s queue to facilitate designated users to perform workflow actions.