Workflow Overview

Workflow is transaction approval processing whereby transactions are optionally routed through CGI Advantage to users or groups of users for review/approval prior to finalizing the transaction. Workflow provides the technical means of electronically routing transaction data to the next approval level. While it is not necessary to require approvals for transactions, approval processing provides a powerful, automated means of human authorization of data prior to finalization. In this respect, approval processing is typically implemented for critical, or highly visible, transactions.

Note: Approval processing is only a subset of transaction processing and can be turned off in favor of using a different workflow product’s rules processing and routing capabilities. The approval processing in CGI Advantage provides simple workflow functionality. The open architecture of CGI Advantage allows an external workflow engine to be integrated by implementing the adapters as needed by the workflow engine.

A transaction may require up to 15 levels of approval. For each approval level, you can define rules for requiring that approval level, establish a routing destination and a routing sequence, and indicate whether an automatic e-mail notification should be sent to the user or group where the work unit is being routed.

Refer to the following topics for additional information: