Worklist Configuration

The Worklist Configuration (worklist.conf) file includes site-wide parameters and properties for worklist pages/widgets as indicated below.


Default Value

Parameter Description




The enabled property for the defaultToUserWorklist parameter determines whether the Worklist defaults to the user’s worklist or to ALL.

  • If enabled=false, then the Worklist defaults to ALL.

  • If enabled=true, then the Worklist defaults to the user’s worklist.

Note: This setting is applicable to all Worklist widgets and Worklist pages.




The totalGridRowsCount property for the totalGridRowsToFetch parameter determines how many rows of Worklist items are displayed on the Worklist widgets. The user must navigate to the Worklist page to see the full set of Worklist items.

Note: This setting allows sites to reduce the load time of Home Pages that include a Worklist widget. It is recommended to keep the count to less than 50 to avoid potential performance impacts.