
Each Advantage application (Admin, Financial, Human Resource Management, and Performance Budgeting) has a Worklist page, which can be accessed via the carousel on the Worklist Landing page. The Worklist pages are the interaction point between approvers and worklist items. The Worklist field is the primary filter with choices in the listing of a user’s personal worklist, each approval group to which the approver belongs, and a choice to show all worklists, called ALL, is available on many worklist pages. The enabled property for the defaultToUserWorklist parameter in the worklist.conf file determines whether the Worklist defaults to the user’s worklist or to ALL. If enabled=false, then the Worklist defaults to ALL. If enabled=true, then the Worklist defaults to the user’s worklist. Note: This setting is applicable to all Worklist widgets and Worklist pages.

The SHOW_REJECT_TRANS_IN_WRKLST_WID parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page indicates if the rejected transactions need to be displayed in the Worklist widget. When set to Y, rejected transactions are included in the Worklist widget. The default value is N, which excludes rejected transactions from the Worklist widget.

If the ENABLE_WORKLIST_VIEW_ALL flag on the ERP Application Parameters (ERPCTRL) page is set to true, then the Worklist widget contains a View All button (in the top right) that takes the user to the respective worklist page (Admin, Financial, Human Resource Management, and Performance Budgeting).  

On the Worklist pages, a related page link exists to transition to the Worklist Details inquiry page for more information for a transaction. Note this page is blank if there are no fields defined on the Configure Worklist Details page.

Page-Level Actions

Grid-Level and Row-Level Actions