Application Parameters
Although officially listed as an Infrastructure table, the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table is one that is part of general system configuration. Options on this table are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. The table is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the controls on this table, those listed below directly relate to the Benefits Processing business area. Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for CGI Advantage HRM.
Parameter |
Description |
This parameter enables the Edit row-level action to be displayed on Manage Dependent Profile (DPNDPROF) for the employee role. This Edit action takes the user to the Employee Dependent Profile (EDPND) transaction. By default, this parameter is set to False, which indicates that the Edit action will not be displayed on DPNDPROF for the employee role. To display the Edit action, set the parameter value to True. |
This parameter determines whether the Vendor pick list on the Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), and Deduction Plan (DPLN) pages are filtered to only show the vendor records that have the Department field on the General Information section of the Vendor/Customer table equal to the user’s home department, set to a wildcard value of ALL, or if the Department field is blank. By default, this parameter is set to False, which indicates all VCUST records are displayed on the Vendor pick list on EFBP, BENP, and DPLN. To filter the Vendor pick list by Department, the parameter must be set to True. |
This parameter determines from where the annual salary to be picked up and displayed on the Life Insurance page within the Benefits Enrollment wizard using CTEXT. Valid values for this parameter are: